(Guide) Anchor's Complete Guide to Hero Grades

A part of it (and I was only a passing individual who didn’t really contribute anything) is not all of the heros were stringently and completely tested… especially ones that were basically written off by the player base.

Having tried both Elkanen and Kadilen, Kadilen is pretty awesome on raid attack for the same reason Zeline outside of the dispel is still a quality hero. Doesn’t do a lot of damage but that special defense trivializes defender specials.

I’m not sure that was taken into account as hardly anyone levelled her except I figured WTF on the alt and after seeing Zeline figured I could do similarly with Kadilen and lo and behold it worked.

There will probably be some modifications over time and no one is going to take offense if mistakes are found or recommendations for improvement are suggested. Think everyone knew it wasn’t going to be perfect initially and that corrections will be made over time.