Im sure they will come eventually, maybe halloween or christmas event has one included and S3 the other, probably won’t be HOTM’s so they can profit properly from them lol.
But yeah a fire elemental down 5* would be great.
Im sure they will come eventually, maybe halloween or christmas event has one included and S3 the other, probably won’t be HOTM’s so they can profit properly from them lol.
But yeah a fire elemental down 5* would be great.
No, no don’t say that… they should be HoTMs… please… I hope… please…
Of all the elemental defense down, yellow probably has it worst. Jackal only hits one and he’s so fragile. Even fully emblemed. Falcon is really sturdy emblemed and hits 3, at least.
i did all on attack since his def would still be bad
I went full attack on jackal he gonna get hit anyways hope that evade comes in to play. mines +18
My concern is keeping him alive against titan slash attacks. Evade is worthless against those, sadly
Kinda just hope for the best with him really with titans 8-9* will chuck a tutrle or a axe up to soften the blow guess as higher they are worse it gets I did take falcon down defence though he +15
My Jackal+20 all sword path doesn’t die easily facing 10-12* titans. He always dance to the tune played by Gazelle and also healed by Woolerton. Planning on having my 2nd Gazelle leveled to support my 4 other Jackals all obtained in the previous Teltoc event in January.
So am I going to have to steal rogue emblems from my 5* heros to keep Guardian Jackel alive in raids? He seems really “squishy” without emblems. Or is that just my imagination?
He really is, even with emblems (shield path gives him a max of 636 defense and 1212 health). The best thing to hope for is his Dodge talent to kick in, or that you have a support hero that increases his survivability.
Got it! I was trying him in the Rush tournament with 3:2 and 4:1 attacking raids and he was always the 1st to get killed. I wanted to know if others were seeing the same thing.
I have seen this too. Jackal in my attacking team. The computer mostly targets the hero with the lowest def. So Jackal die fast unless supported by the team. Or the computer has an algoritme. If Jackal in team attack him at all cost.
Does atk path survive 14* titan hit?
With a dragon banner on a 12* it be two hits. On a 14* I could imagine death.