Grovevert - 5* Nature / Green hero from Night of Moths

Can the MF hits be critical similar to MM? Is anyone seeing those random 1k+ hits from these mega fiends like we do with the mega minions?

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I set a MF on stage boss Dark Lord and let it hit him until he died. Not once did it vary from a standard hit ( 950-960) Didn’t count but it was a good amount of hits and none where critical


Did you choose swords of def/health for your talent path? I was going to go def/health but I guess swords increase the MF hit?

Yeah, he’s killing it in the current rush tournament also. That MF is a menace. Add on the additional -10% mana from his family bonus and its a wrap for that particular hero.

I would think it would require either the fiend itself to come with crit chance, or a status ailment on the hero it’s attached to that increased chance for critical hits. Not to give them any ideas!

Yeah i went shield / health for extra durability

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I refer you to my earlier quote.

I’ve beaten the 3 Grovevert that I have faced in raids but not without problems. I think it’s a very solid hero. Likely stronger on offense vs defense. Once it gets the first hit off though, it gets crazy fast with the next hits. I like it, working mine up to 3-70 and will make a call on maxing soon (limited green mats).

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I also got him, I have him at 80/20 now but now when I played a little bit with him now I am not sure that I want to give him aethers and MM, for me he it’s missing something, even after he cast his first special and become he cast his special once more and that it’s, until he cast his special second time the opponent heros it’s dead, he just don’t help enough to his team (this it’s for attack), on defense he must be put in tank position just to cast his special how many time he can, but I can see him to be and good tank just because he don’t do anything else except to put MFs, if the effect from the MF it has spread it will be another story.

The MM it’s still the best they hit every turn to another hero (not on the same) they spread his special (exactly because they it’s not only on one hero) and they hp on his owner, exactly because of this Armand Moncharmin it’s still the best green in the game SG its looking to take every penny from us and exactly for this he it’s on this covenant portal and not Grovevert.

Grovevert is in new portal which will feature for many months. AM is probably featured last time since opera heroes portal isnt available anymore… I believe that is the reason, covenant portal gives you AM :slight_smile:

No it’s not this, they don’t care about this, they are looking to milk us until the end and they know that this hero will not make so much money like AM.

Well, I like him. That MF is strong and gives a nice headache to problem healers like Dioachan. Not really suited for defence but as an offensive option he’s pretty solid. Probably the only moth hero I’ll get so I’ll use him as much as possible until his counter comes along to ruin my fun.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :guardsman:

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Agree with @Blem. I have found him incredibly useful on offense, especially when facing the various faces of MMs, including those pesky slime MMs.

Happy gaming! :cupcake:

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Hitting one target over and over again is much beter than hitting a different target every turn, because you eventually kill them, which is better than doing a small bit of damage to the whole team

Armand is kind of an exception because the MM effect is so srong.

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… Grovevert is probably quite underrated right now… I’ve been using him a lot on offense and he’s an absolute beast!

In fact, I’ve successfully used him against Bearnadette and Fergus tanks too! Even if I throw a few tiles into them (and their flanks) to charge up Grovevert, and get them to around 50% mana, once I put Grove’s MF on them, their slow/very slow mana speed means they take ages to charge up because of the -50% mana drag, all the while taking damage. I can throw tiles into them with impunity to charge my other heroes and wipe out the team.

Putting his MF on a Garrison guard hero helps remove the megaminion immediately…so if it is Rosalind’s 65% hp megaminion, you have effectively done damage equivalent to a 2600hp damage snipe…and then she continues taking damage every turn + the MF turns her into a slow mana hero!

I could go on about how good this hero is… but I won’t! :laughing:
Let me just say Grovevert is so good, I’m going to level his dupe ahead of a dupe Armand!


Reading between the lines, @Violent.Wounds , you are saying I’ll be ok if I never score my Armand. :sweat_smile:

Happy gaming! :cupcake:


Oh wow!! Guess we should trade a hero or two! :laughing:


Anyone go full shield path and can share stats?

I went full attack and I think that’s the way to level Grove, because of the MF dmg… Still going to have high def and hp…

This is all attack nodes…

And this is from an alliance mate who drank too much that day… :rofl:

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