Grimm glitch

In raids Grimm will hit them , but with zero damage and no special ability. Can you please fix this. Ty

Any chance your Grimm was blinded? For example Bane or Hu Tao had hit with their special?

Edit: Or you had Wukongs special active?

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I thought that at first also but No he wasn’t, it started doing that last night . on every raid regardless of oppents

Ok, any chance to get a screenshot or a video of this happening?

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Not familiar how do do that.

If you have an Android phone you can download an app called “DU Recorder”, that one is pretty nifty.

If its screenshotting thats the problem, just google “How to take screenshot with [your device type]” and enjoy a new and usefull feature :slight_smile:


Thank you devs for fixing this so fast much appreciated…

مرحبا اريد ان اعرف لماذا لا استطيع شراء ما اريد لماذا الشراء ضربه حظ فأنا اشتري الاشياء بالفلوس من الواجب شراء ما اريد انا ليس ما يختاره السحب العشوائي وشكرا لكم