Grimforest or Halloween Heros?

Beta folks, I know the Halloween heros could change, but knowing what you know right now would you pull Grimforest heros or the Halloween heros? Any advice would be appreciated.

Hansel and greets are very good 4* and redwood is a nice 5* in grim forest event
As for the other part I can’t comment

Hmm, that’s a tough question. As @Allslost notes, Hansel and Gretel are very good (Hansel a strong “A”, Gretel a solid “B”) and the odds of getting them aren’t too bad. I like Red Hood; Boss Wolf is useless to me but might be a decent tank for a newer player; Rumples is not bad but doesn’t fit my play style – too unpredictable.

On the Halloween side, I’m really liking the designs but I don’t think the 4* vampire is as good as Hansel. A strong addition to the blue hero bench, which desperately needs a 4* sniper.

A consideration is the probabilities. Event summons have a 2.5% overall chance of a 5* hero, matching the Elemental summons that it replaces. Seasonal summons, however, only have a 1.5% overall chance of a 5* hero, matching the Epic summons that it replaces. Similarly, odds of 4* heroes are lower in the Seasonal portal than the Event portal. While the odds of pulling the seasonal 5* are almost double the odds of pulling Red Hood, they are lower than the odds of pulling any event 5*, and the overall average of heroes you pull in the Seasonal event will be lower.

Caveat emptor.


Hehe, sorry. That was an obtuse reply, wasn’t it?

If I didn’t have any Grimforest heroes, I’d roll Grimforest over Halloween.

  1. Hansel is great, and the odds are pretty good at getting him.
  2. Gretel is solid, so if you don’t get Hansel, getting her is a good substitute.
  3. The 5* are unlikely to drop, but if they do, two of the three are worthwhile.
  4. The overall odds of getting something more than a 3* are higher.
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Thanks for the tip, Kerr, much appreciated. I have Hansel, only one I’ve got, but as a C2p player it does sound like Grimforest is the better bet for my reasonably meager resources. Thanks again!

Couldn’t resist - one of my favorite parts of that movie :laughing:

Thanks for the summary! I was wondering the same. Sadly(?), I have 7 epic hero tokens saved, so I won’t be getting Grimforest heroes from them.

I burned the few hundred gems I had and got Karil. On to the Halloween (or Christmas :thinking:) event!

Off topic but yesterday your name said “regular” underneath it, now it says moderator/game specialist. I always wondered how people got the regular status, and are you now employed by SG?

One earns Regular status automatically by your activity on the board. See:

Moderators are selected by staff and are not employees, but volunteers. As one wit noted, “you are paid in praise and taxed in grief.” We are not official representatives of Small Giant Games.

Game Specialist is a separate title granted by staff to “advanced players who give expert advice.” Same disclaimer: not an employee or official representative of SGG.

See these and other badges under the Badges category in the menu (next to your avatar).


Lol obtuse I don’t think so but a great way of avoiding directly answering
And (wink) we can’t give info on Halloween event anyways that is why I didn’t answer

I got Gretel to go with her brother. These really are solid 4*s. Very useful, especially in wars.

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