Gregorion or Lianna

ill have a video on this very subject soon. Prob will be uploaded tomorrow

Does Crits work on fefence? I saw somebody wrote no, but i’m not sure about that. I think on defence when Gregorians ulti goes off, there must be more damage…

Works for normal slash attacks, not specials

If u are right Gregorion should have his place in defense teams, too.

Look at their stats. Max Greg has 7 def lower but 103 hp more.

Lianna is always a better choice for defense based just on her mana speed. Gregorian is not going to tank, and as average speed, so by the time he powers up to hit, at least one other person is dead, likely 2 because there are much higher priority targets. So he’s buffing crit on maybe 3 people? And if he fires with a full team alive, you were more than likely going to win that raid anyway. And I’m talking about actual raiding, not the 2200 cups or less raiding.

I gotta say Gregorion all the way.

Probably because I have him and don’t have Lianna.

You would think so, but that crit boost is gone before you know it. Personally, I don’t think he’s that good.

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Lianna is powerful but boring. All she could do is oneshot some 4s. While Gregorion can be sweet, or not. Two of his special is very useful, one to snipe at people and the other increase chance to double all allies damage. If you activate his special before launching the boards, you can expect half of the foes wipe out much like Wu’s. I think he shines most with rainbow team so that most of the tiles that hit the foes will crit. However, if bad board, you can forget if he ever has a secondary skill,lol.

I just got gregorion with an epic summon coin. I did not particularly want him, as zi have Lianna. Their dot is the same , but she is fast. I do not think that a 16% critic for 3 turns is worth the effort and mats to max him if you have Lianna

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What about a 30% crit chance when he’s maxed out? Plus the % you get from whatever crit troops you have.

I had the same dilemma a couple weeks ago and @Anchor helped give me sage advice on his live stream (check out his link above). Lianna is fast over Greg’s average. Lianna is pure attack and benefits more from being fully ascended. Greg’s special highlight is the crit buff and elemental link and those work the same at 3/70 as they would at 4/80.

So I went with Lianna. Plus she’s a cutie vs goofy Greg. (That part is me and wasn’t part of Anchor’s advice, though he should add it to his video, ha, ha)


My experience with Lianna is that at 3/70, I’d rather use Caedmon fully ascended at 4/70. She’s a textbook case of an incompletely ascended 5* being less effective than a similar fully levelled 4*.
I haven’t leveled and played around with Gregorion yet, but by the stats he seems like Zeline - most effective at 4/80 but the key aspect of his special isn’t dependant on his ascension, so he will still be a viable hero at 3/70.

I have same dilemma, Gregorion or Lianna. Somehow want Gregorion more. Yes, average mana, 57% less damage on Special skill. But he has 100 hp more and critical bonus. Already have Sartana and Alasie as snipers + Gravemaker. Lianna could be just another sniper.

Alasie, Gravemaker and Vivica have mana troops, that means no critical hits. Gregorion can fix it, same you can not say about Lianna.

Still thinking…

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I have Greg at 4/42 and he’s very good. Maybe it’s because I have Delilah too and her minions can do critical, which is really nice with increased chance from Greg’s special. So if I had to choose I’d go for Greg and would’ve let Sartana and Alasie do the rest:-)

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I started this thread → i went with Lianna, since i use her for my defense team too.
For cups and raid offense she is the better choice in my team. she really hits at 80 :slight_smile:
I don’t regret my decision.
I’m at 3/70 with Gregorian, and that’s ok for Titans, since his special is at 8.


Excellent self analysis of your team and exactly why answering these posts is impossible without context in most cases. There are plenty of cases where one is superior to the other but both are great cards.

I have almost the same issue but I have the 6 tonics… I’ve chosen liana

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Liana Stats at 4/80: Attack Str: 729 Defense: 718 Health: 1248 special dmg: 512% damage to target
Gregorian stats at 4/80: Attack Str: 729 Defense: 710 Health: 1351 special dmg: 455% damage to target

At first glance, other than health, the stats look basically the same. Lianna is fast mana, which is really attractive next to Gregorian’s average mana. Gregorian is a bit beefier and can take a bit more damage before dying, which makes sense because of his slower mana regen.

Lianna’s special attack 512% of 729 = 3732.48 compared to Gregorian’s 455% of 729 = 3316.95

It seems that Lianna is the clear winner right? If that was all that we were considering then sure, but there is more.

Gregorian has element link which boosts his own Attack and defense 5% once his special goes off. This is not dispellable. Greg’s new stats: Attack str: 765.45 Defense: 745 and Greg’s new special damage: 455% of 765.45 = 3482.8. Not quite up to Lianna’s total, but like a QVC add, there is more.

Gregorian also adds 30% chance of critical damage for 3 turns. This is dispellable, but this also means your opponent must plan for it or deal with the consequences. Let’s say they don’t plan for it. 5 Heroes x 3 turns = 15 attacks 30% is roughly 1/3 attacks, so roughly 4-5 attacks gain critical. With the right timing, this is game over. You can have this or you can have Lianna’s single attack on one hero a bit more often for 250 more raw damage. Me? I choose Gregorian 100% of the time.

You say that he’s just as effective at 3-70? Maybe so, but only if he’s alive and he stands a much better chance of being alive at 4-80 than he does at 3-70. I’ll ascend a hero that does more than one thing over a hero that does only one thing pretty much 100% of the time.


Defending heroes can’t attack every round… but even a lone crit would offset (Lianna - Gregorion)'s damage.
Like Wu Kong it makes your tiles (or slashing attacks) hit like specials but it isn’t a compromise between power and accuracy

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