Green With Envy? - Which Green to tank with...💚

to give you my best answer:

*complete def capable roster
*color flanks


p.s. as an advice, splash 1k gems on bigger capacity; hurts me when i see 112 :frowning:


I’d probly roll with elkanen


My +19 Elkanen does its job even in top20 AW. I do have Vela though so that helps.


Here’s another vote for Elk, based on what you have. A highly emblemed Buddy is another option

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Good point. A pro for Elk, for sure. I guess I’d compare Buddy and Elkanen’s stats as is, poll the alliance for how many ailment creators they’re rolling out at tank (more is a pro-Buddy argument, but I don’t know how many ‘more’ is), and then see if I can increase the emblems on either option (like, not sure what you use Gadeirus for, but if it’s, say, titans, can he survive if you strip him?).