Green Hero for Defense Team

Hi everyone!

My defense team has stayed the same since I first started the game and acquired my stronger heroes at the time. Originally, it consisted of Drake Fong, Kiril, Cyprian, Khagan, and Melendor. This was enough to keep me in Platinum.

I’ve since swapped out Drake Fong for Delilah+7, Cyprian for Kageburado+6, Khagan for Gravemaker (max), and Kiril for Ariel (in the process of maxing now). I swapped out Melendor for a maxed Caedmon.

This team has kept me in the Diamond tier so far for the most part (I’ve dropped into Platinum a couple of times). I’ve almost got Ariel maxed, so I’m wondering who to put in place of Caedmon. My 5 star green heroes are:

Evelyn (max)
Margaret (2.31)
Horghall (2.22)
Elkanen (1.8)
Gregorian (1.1)
The Hatter (1.1)
Kadilen (1.1)

My initial thought was to level up The Hatter, because he will add some more damage and brings that Dispel. Caedmon does that already though and has Fast mana, as opposed to The Hatter’s Average mana. But I think the Hatter will be tougher and stronger in the end because he’s a 5 star.

Since thinking on this I pulled Gregorian. He’s just straight damage and a crit buff. I don’t know much how the crit stuff works but I’m guessing it could help Kage and GM?

Evelyn also dispels (up to 3) and has Fast mana.

Who do you guys think would work better for this team? Should I stick with Caedmon? With Ariel I can cleanse my team, and with Caedmon I can dispel the enemy. Am I putting too much concern on dispelling?

My other green 4 stars that I’ve maxed are Hansel, Melendor, and Kashrek.

Thank you all!

Evelyn is the beat choice, followed by Greg. The Hatter is a below average defender because his special is easy to work around and he doesn’t hit that hard.

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I agree, the hatter is great for raida and war though!


The Hatter would be toward the bottom of my recommendations for Defense.

Gregorian and Evelyn would be toward the top.

From a practical standpoint, either along with the rest of your team should be sufficient to keep you in Diamond.


I use Hatter for defense. But my other choice is elkanen. I don’t have Gregorian or Evelyn. Others I have not leveled are horghall, another elkanen, and kadilen.

I tried for Evelyn and it didn’t happen.

I could use a green. Got the tonics for them too. One day.

The Hatter killed me several times. Most devastating hero for me so far.

Why not him and how do you counter him except multiple reds?