Green dilemma 2024

I try to compile a green attack team, and since i cant pull top heroes, i use what I have. :slight_smile:

Heimdall- Smarttongue-Ekanite- Caedmon C2 are waiting for plus 1 member.
There are 2 options
Bo@Runt who seems to be a usable sniper and would have synergie with Ekanite.
Kadilen C2 who is basically a great hero, but a little outdated even with costumes.
Who would you level up first. Mats and emblems are ok for both.

So poll please and explain your decision :slight_smile:

  • Bo & Runt
  • Kadilen C2
0 voters

There’s always the option to wait for better. Personally waiting to see what the next Soul Exchange might offer.

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Countless pulls in this year and NOTHING, so waiting is not an option :smiley:
No more pulls, no more waiting, i use what i have till i can enjoy the game :slight_smile:

I’d go with Bo&Runt. Mainly stats diff between him and CKad. But also because of, as you’ve already noted, the synergy between him and Ekanite. 600% is quite solid. His minion is beefy and also gains mana when Ekanite summons minions. That’s a 20% boost right there.

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Bo and Runt because I want them and would level them, whereas I already have Toon Kadilen and havent touched that card at all.

Edit: Ive got c2 Kadilen (Toon Elkanen). Havent bothered with either.

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Smartongue is your best defensive green, so I picked the better offensive hero…B&R

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Toon Kadilen hasnt been released yet

I mean the other green one. I always mix them up.


Haven’t levelled either.

Ive actually got 2 of those Kadilens, but one will go to SE.

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Thanks all of You Guys, really appreciate your response. Lets see that new HOTM in battles :slight_smile:

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