Greatest luck in history? 7 legendary sand in 3 pulls

Gotta Catch’em All! :grin:

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I can’t play the video but it seems like OP means 7 legendary heroes in 12 pulls. Still, incredible luck! Tbh, I probably would’ve stopped after the first 2 single pulls :sweat_smile:

Meanwhile, I’m the type that does 70 Guardian Pulls and can’t even get a Jackal ffs. I got 20 EHT’s saved up and I’m only hoping for at least 2 Hisan and 1 Gafar lol. It’s better when I don’t get my hopes up.


That’s 7 legendaries in a 12-pull!

When I read the thread title, I was like how lucky can one really get?

So, I did some calculations for you.

The odds of that happening is something around 5 * 10^(-14)

or 5*10^(-12) % (if you prefer to read it in percentages.)

That’s friggin’ ELEVEN zeroes after the decimal and then a 5.

Holy RNGesus Batman!!

You should really really consider buying a lottery ticket right now! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though. Congrats man!! :smile:

EDIT: Let me spell out the odds in a different way. That’s about 5 in a TRILLION chance.!
Even if my calculations are off by a huge margin… we are still looking in the order of “One in a billion chance” at the very least!

The more I say this out loud… the more I am getting skeptical about my own calculations. Someone please feel free to do a double-check!! :sweat_smile:


Thanks! Wish SG gave me some luck with ascension mats! Even half those odds or 1/4 I would take so I can ascend my 3/70 toons lol

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Now I know where my Raffaele is! I did about 30 pulls this month and I didn’t get him. I think that one of yours should be mine. :smile: Just kidding ^^. Congratulations!

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First pull single

Roc + 2 free Rafaelle bonus

Second pull single


10x pull

Yunan roc rana jabbar 2x hisan and some trash

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Yea thats 12 pulls then. A 10xpull is 10 pulls. Congrats!

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How is a single pull one pull and a 10-pull is also one pull?

Still absolutely insane, congrats!

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I once had two different HOTMs in two consecutive pulls. Aegir on the last day he was available, then Zim the next morning. With two single 1-pull.

Recently, I got Sif, Alfrike and Quintus in four single back-to-back 1-pull with Valhalla coins. The fourth one was Little John I think.

When RNG does its thing…

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The pull sequence in description, yes bad wording but it’s 2 single pull and 1 10x which is 3 total summons but 12 single pulls if you look at it that way

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I would never feel what you did with those pulls.
All my EHT have renfield fate printed on them

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Yes renfeld is my bane during tavern of legends lol him ishtaak and dawa

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here a x30 pull last tavern

All feeders.

Better dont talk about last Valhalla.

And i kill 11 / 12 * titans and for all the month i have to read how my mates get 4* AM (glad for them anyways) while i usually receive one 3* mat or two battle manual

with my recent luck in this game i cant hope for any of the top pulls :smile:


Now that is defying the odds!!

Why oh why though would you do a 10x after pulling Rana and Roc :man_shrugging:


Was trying to find the fast purple for my 4s team gafar

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It was worth it. He got Yunan, one of the top 3 green tanks. Getting Yunan is an achievement itself as the portal he is available in is only open once a year. Heimdall can be pulled monthly through the Valhalla gates and is quite common. And Telly, who was HOTM last March, was so rampant and commonly seen as tank nowadays, who may be summoned in the future Atlantis gates as a featured hero for those who still want her.

@Nisra nice pull btw.