
well I dont think that this will be easy if the matchmaking will get you (as it should be) higher defenses as day passes.

Surely not. But weā€™re on more or less even footing until a tournament allows 5-stars. Perhaps even better, because us cheapskates tend to use our emblems on 4-stars, rather than trying to powerhouse the 5-stars we donā€™t have many of.


I totally understand your pov now:

buying your way back in is more like a redemption/second chance thing.

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I have 3 x all colors 3* troops at level 10. All those 1 and 2* troops have to go somewhere as I only have a total of 3 x 4* troops.
I think, being used to constantly drive our 4* teams against 5* defenses, we stand a better chance here than most guys used to attack using 5* teams.
But, until we get a better understanding of how the scoring system realy works, itā€™s all a mystery. I won all raids so far within two minutes time, never loosing a hero. I was top 1% when done for today, but now Iā€™m already in the 1-5% range, with chances to drop even further, and nobody seem able to explain why some guys get more points than othersā€¦ is it all up to luck? The stronger your match the more points you make? Or do some guys get points already from succesfuly defending?

yup. in the 4* that will come - for me.

Touche! Ai dreptate, but Iā€™m done waitingā€¦ Iā€™ve been waiting for eight month now, and my patience is running thinā€¦ plus I really need troopsā€¦ am I suposed to bring level 1 troops to raid against Guin, Kage and Gravemaker, while feeders gather a layer of dust so thick you may get lost in it?

When 4* troops will dropā€¦ You ll have a tough timeā€¦ For a long timeā€¦

Iā€™m already having a hard time :grin: In eight month I never pulled any 5* hero, and from close to 60 TC20 trainings I got Horghall and Kadilen :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:, both unworthy of my tonicsā€¦ in my experience raiding agaist 5*, one ot them hits like a baby and the other doesnā€™t hit at all usuallyā€¦ so I keep them both at 2/60, as trophyesā€¦ RNG has a twisted sense of humor :blush: Beside that, I stopped leveling every 3* troops at 10. So feeders are stacking again alreadyā€¦

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Well this T is busted for me :confused:

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I think itā€™s quite cool spending wonā€™t get you to the top tiers. If you spend, that means your record will be 16-4 at best. there will always be enough players going 20-0 or 19-1 each tournament, so I guess if you have to spend, that also means youā€™re out of the top 5%, maybe even 10%.

Nahh itā€™s not worth it

  1. did 15 raids, 15 victories

  2. it affect points negatively for some case

Not a chance. Spend gems on broken mechanics? Methinks not.

With the amount of time people devote to making F2P posts, they could open a lemonade stand and earn enough to cover.

Strange things happen to me in that first tournament ( NO ONE ATACK ME) and im in 1-5% so I expect good loot,but who knows, anyway is randomly.

well, i guess people are paying now to get to 1-5%.
i hardly get to make it if i dont use all my 25 flags.

Paying 75 gems to make it into top 1% isnā€™t a good business considering current rewards.

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No way.
Top 1% reward is rubbish.
The board is rubbish.
Raid T was very unsuccessful about design.

Payed every time except 2 raidTs and was rewarded well. Imo it was worth it, since 10 single emblems are sold for 175.

I almost always got at least 10 emblems from tournaments. I also got golden tokens, looties, a reset, some 3* mats and one time only crap.

Would appreciate better loot, but still better than farming.


I disagree. Going from tier 5% to 1% increases your estimated outcome by the following:
0,18 EHT
1 ETT (!)
6,25 emblems
0,25 reset emblem (!)
plus other small stuff.

So if you are more or less certain the rebuy will take you to 1%, I think 75 gems are easily worth it.

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I donā€™t quite understand what do you mean by 1 ETT.
Top 5% - 6% EHT, 10% ETT
Top 1% - 10% EHT, 40% ETT
So the chance for ETT is higher by 30 percent points.