Good day to all. The theme is colored chests

I ask someone to explain to me for what period of time they give a colored chest, why do I drop it once in 4 months? Or 3 months. What can be the problem? I will be happy with any answers.

according to me, it depends on the number of chests of monsters, heroes and titans being filled

There is already a big thread on here about the elemental chest. They basically spawn 1 about every 30 regular chest spawns.

I have a chest every day. it turns out that for 4 months there should be a minimum of 3 colored chests. The problem is that for 4 months I have not received one color. And it does not match your assumption

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I fill 3-4 chests a day, skipping the wait when it is about 10 gems to do so. Often, I’ll run into the cooldown timer for a few hours.

I get an elemental chest once every 9-10 days.

hello by making 2 safes a day, you get a color chest every 14 days.
That’s four times affiliate I’m testing and it really works a color chest every 14 days.

I used to have 1 chest ever 32 days, but since last chest I had it been now 41 days with out Elemental chest, how ever I do 3 chests daily and more as the titan chest counts in this matter …

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To do more you need to spend gems to start the next chest mission ahead of the timer. I usually nudge the monster chest to two spots in my daily routine 12 hours apart, costing one or two gems a time.
If I have full raid flags and it’ll cost me only a few gems, I’ll also open the raid chest if I have time to start filling it during a break at work or before bed, so my flags can refill while I’m otherwise occupied.
There’s not much I can do with titan chests to,open them faster though. I might use a flask on the last one to fill the chest if things are looking iffy, but otherwise it’s not worth doing anything.
It’s not really cost effective if you are FTP, but for someone with VIP or who buys small gem deals regularly it may be worth the gem cost for the chance at better rewards. Depends on the tastes of the player.
I get an elemental chest roughly every 10 days on average, but the random variation has it anywhere from 4 days (only once sadly) to 14 days between them.

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I have never used gems to speed up for a coloured chest. I have two profiles and consistently get two or three coloured chests on each profile each month.

In December I’ve had 3 on one profile and 2 on the other.

Since January I’ve had 24 on one profile and 26 on the other. I’m not convinced you need to speed up the chests.

I only do the raid box when it’s open and try to fill it quickly. I do the monster box regardless, and also try to fill it quickly when it’s open.

I’ve had coloured chests in the titan chest 3 or 4 times.

I have no idea why I get them this regularly.

Edit: for data collection purposes I’ll add that I don’t do the daily quests either. Just the recruits, gems and experience quests.

There is a theory that doing daily quests helps…
I aint… And elem chests dont come so often…


I still think it mostly random to get elemental chests. I ignore nearly all daily quests and get them about every couple weeks or so.

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Im thinking of tracking this… Im actually looking for old topics…

Thank you.

We should keep a topic alive with tracking and results as per tc20.

Im looking for my elem chest i recorded…

It gets cluttered and some who report only good results will skew the data. But if you want to try it, I wish you good luck :).

We’ve collected a lot of data in my alliance, but I haven’t processed it yet. Unfortunately, Line updated and I’m unsure if I can find image timestamps anymore (I was going to use that for temporal frequency). One can still estimate it, however by looking at the number of chests completed.

I rarely do daily quests unless they are worthwhile. I still get elemental chests about every 10 days (less frequent when my world energy is diverted to challenge and seasonal events).



I am wondering same thing I do over 10 chest a day. And have not had a color chest in 2 months

How are you doing over 10 chests a day? I run into the wait time way before that.

I play form 6 am to 12am I also get 6 hour wait times. I have filled raid chest as well as monster chest 5 times already today

Even spending gems to accelerate chests instantly, and flasking to finish your raid chests as fast as possible, I’m pretty sure 10 chests a day is impossible.