Going F2P based solely off irresponsible development

I agree. I hope SGG pays attention and Acknowledges they need tto develop a better game balance strategy, and invest a little bit of money into better communications with their growing user base.

I have been both FTP and C2P and then after committing to long term gameplay… was fine opening my wallet.

But the last couple of months (with taverns being the last straw when I saw how they designed Taverns summon)… I also decided to stop spending money.

This is a big problem in SGG game balance strategy, when they are demotivating players who want to spend NOT to spend.

The game balance isn’t off because one tank was considered “overpowered”… there are deeper root problems not being addressed. Instead they bandaid the problem by nerfing Tell and Vela.

We are voicing opinions on this forum of course because we all love the game, but really feel (not fully understand) what the broken underlying issues are. None of us wants this game to degrade and lose support from the community. But it’s chipping away slowly and steadily.

Step 1 SGG: commit to rooting these out and set up a process to communicate with your user base (don’t lose their loyalty and advocacy before it becomes too late.) As a digital brand operating in increasingly tough economic times, this is critical.

Anyways … there is an existing topic close in spirit to this … because quality of life is important to people who pay and all players can benefit from improvements,…