Goblin Balloon -- General discussion, complaints, venting etc... :)

For some reason “my love for you is like a Truck, Beserker” came to mind :joy: :joy:

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

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Just wondering…how the translator or the Poster brought bananas into the mix :thinking:


That’s what made me love it! It is so randomly perfect. :grinning:


Especially bananas!

20 bananas for you common folk.

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i was gonna make a post complaining about the goblin balloon, but then I saw this and couldn’t bring myself to

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I didn’t read all your answers, but does somebody know how it works when the ballon is full and you get another chest ? Is it lost for ever or… ?

Once the balloon is full, you have a choice to buy the loot or recycle the loot.

If you don’t do either and you get a new chest, I assume it will just go in your inventory until you either buy the loot or recycle it. Them it will go into the next balloon.

The above paragraph is just a guess.

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That’s the main reason I won’t even purchase that Joke Balloon at all!!!
Unless they give me 4star ancession item in the beginning :joy: which is not gonna happened LOL

Don’t bother to put more money to this mechanic. Just pretend it doesn’t exist. Just a small mechanic that give you freebies meat and iron.


And a third Ballon shows up. Another rexycle then…

Move the damn thing to the store, listen to the people SG. You devs suck goblin @&#$.


If I earned the items in the chest… why the hell am I buying them??? That’s stupid and a rip off.


I don’t know, I kind of enjoy the irony of having a bloated symbol of corporate greed hovering over my base…

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Waste of money when all chest are open you have to pay to get it

This balloon sucks…

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Um most typically end up getting 50 emblems that alone is worth it. Troops are worth it. If ur trying to be competitive in any kind of way its worth it.


Okay, first, allow me to apologize for my snarky reply yesterday. I was already in a bad mood because of a really bad war…

To get back on topic, and to fully address your point…

50 emblems is cool, yes. But you need what, something like 1500 emblems to bring a 5* hero up to +20?

So that’s um… nearly $200 to fully emblem one hero? Not including the cost to pull that hero in the first place…

We’re talking about spending well over a thousand dollars in order to be “competitive” in a mobile phone game?

Then there’s the other issue of… if being competitive means having to spend money, is it actually a game any more? Or just a wallet measuring contest?

Final point, that I was trying to make regarding the loot itself… is not that the loot from the balloon is all bad… most of what I’ve seen is junk, but usually the rare crate has some decent stuff in it… the question to me is whether or not it’s worth the price they’re asking for it.

And also… as nice as 50 emblems is, you will probably only see that once, maybe twice a week from balloon. And you don’t exactly get to pick the types of emblems, so you could be waiting years and spending hundreds of dollars just to fully emblem one hero via balloon.

That doesn’t sound like a good deal to me. At all.

My whole point was that I’ve tracked my loot in the balloons, compared it to other sources of loot in the game, and IMO? The balloon is, by far, the most inefficient and most expensive source of useful game stuffs.


Lol ok so i guess u were being sarcastic then. Its all good we all have those days. I guess it just depends on your perspective. I spend on the game anyway and emblems are very valuable to me. Its more supplemental as i get several emblems per day in my chests vision etc. So to me its a great deal. If your not really a spender then i can understand your point of view.

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I’m not opposed to spending, I have spent some on the game. I just don’t think that the balloon offers a good value for the money compared to other things you can buy.

VIP and PoV seem like fairly decent deals to me.

50 gems for 5 extra hero slots? Yep, sounds reasonable.

$6 for 50 emblems? Nooooo…

“Spender” is a bit of a subjective term, yes?

I believe that game companies deserve to make money for their products.

But not hundreds or even thousands of dollars from each player. That right there is my biggest complaint about the spending model in this game. A game like this should not cost that much money to be “competitive” in. It’s rather absurd IMO.

But anyway. I have been told that this thread was supposed to be about loot tracking, not a thread for complaining about the loot itself.

So I now introduce a new slightly off topic but still on topic subject of discussion: the fact that we can’t actually track Goblin Balloon loot without taking screenshots and keeping spreadsheets.

Case in point: I now haz screenshotted evidences of what I’m talking about RE: this subject. I present to you all


Loot tracking from an Alliance War loss (issue for another subject, just showing it for example)


You see here, even though there was no loot worth mentioning, it still mentioned the fact that there was no loot worth mentioning, and it referenced the exact source of where the unmentionable loot did not come from.

Versus Goblin Balloon…

For/from whence I introduce


Loot tracking after “recycling” a Goblin Balloon


“Summon Tokens changed”

Really? Like I voluntarily decided to exchange EHTs and ETTs for one ordinary common summon token?

Nah, buddy. What happened was, Zocc tried to extort me for $6 for some crap loot, and I told him no, told him his balloon was in a no parking zone and that I was going to fine him for every day he remained there, so he tossed me one stupid silver token and left.

Woke up the next day to find his monstrosity parked there again.

EDIT: I got moved again. Okay, better than being flagged at least. :laughing:

Seriously though, I was trying to point out that I’m not able to “track” recycled loot via the in-game loot tracking feature.

Is that a bug or a feature? Or both?

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Its because the rarity of the items werent high enough