Global Online Hangout

This isn’t an alliance recruitment, so feel free to move this thread as desired.

But, we have a fairly active Discord and the Empires community and staff are welcomed to join. It’s a great communication hub for a lot of things. We have tons of resources, helpful people, voice and chat rooms, the whole 9 yards. I’m also going to create a channel for MERCS to use.

All players are welcome, just please leave the toxicity at home. Thank you!

Seven Days Departed


This is really starting to pick up. Come hang out! We have cookies and roast Titan kebobs!

A member of the Small Giant Games staff indicated they -may- stop in sometime. I can’t guarantee that and I wouldn’t know a time-frame. But, if that interests you, I recommend getting registered and hanging out to see if that happens :slight_smile:

Use the following link on any browser (PC, Mac, Mobile)

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