Global Alliance Fighters want you!

Hi all,

We are in need of a few semi-active to active players. We are a laid back alliance from literally all over the globe. He hail from UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Bulgaria, Australia, and Indonesia. “The sun never sets on our alliance”. We are all here to have some fun and know that life happens.

War optional. No line ID. We regularly kill 8* and with a few for can easily get 9-10* titian.

If that sound good to you… please come and check us out.

I think I posted this at the wrong time initially. Now that wars are finishing up… I will try again

hmmm, I guess no one likes me. :sob: There is still plenty of room.

Going to try again… anyone…Bueller…

How many players do you need and what color tanks for war?

7 to be “full”. Not all in the alliance participate in wars. We try for blue or green tanks for war. Not everyone has one of those.

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