Who should I level up first ?
20 filler characters
Without seeing your roster, I would say Glenda as well.
I just got her yesterday
One thing I will tell you is to focus your leveling and finish one hero BEFORE you start another one. On another note, how many maxed 3*/4* heroes do you have?
Yeah I do tend to get all over the place lol. I have 4 full 4*
I dont have 3* full I gave them all away for level ups. Not a good choice maybe
You need to work on your 4* heroes first and get at least THREE in every color. Then work on your 5*. I would max Telluria, GM, Hel or Clarissa (you can’t go wrong with either), Glenda and Drake when you get the opportunity. That would make a solid defense.
Everyone together…
… it depends on your roster.
However, Field Aid has been removed from wars, effectively nerfing Perseus into near uselessness
(Perseus’ HOTM pros and cons - #68 by Gryphonknight)
General advice
See also general advice
No. You want to have four to five of each for 3* raid tournaments.
You are right. I am so not patient but I guess I have to do it right in order to get better results. Thanks a lot for the tips.
Level up your 5* heroes, as you plan to do. You’ll have a lot more fun with some full monsters on the roster. Also, you eventually will want to level up some 4* and 3* to compete in tournaments.
As for your choice between Glenda and Perseus: Go for Glenda. She seems to be getting a lot of respect in top alliances, has better base stats, and has a good kit of special skills / abilities. Perseus is one of the weaker 5*. After you fully level Glenda, you can revisit Perseus, if you haven’t already pulled something better by then, which you may very well have done.
Thanks, since I have the materials for telluria and drake fong and I am getting close to fully level them, I will do it, considering I have to put some effort on 4* and 3* as well