Give back all emblems when resetting talent trees with gems

EDIT: despite the fact this feature was not implemented, an alternative reward of Reset Emblems in class quests was, to make this feature less needed. Please see post 44.

I see no reason why using gems should only return most of your class emblems, instead of all of them. This only stifles experimentation and creativity.

I’m fine with gems being used to reset the hero’s talent tree. I’m fine losing all the food and iron I used. Those parts seem fair to me.

What I don’t really like is that spending my gems won’t return all my class emblems. I worked hard to get those emblems! I am fine buying gems to get them back, but I’d prefer to get all of them back!

I’m the kind of player that would like to experiment with different talent node combinations. But as it stands, I’m not going to mess with that… Reset emblems themselves are rare (still only have the first one we all got), and I’m not willing to spend gems only to lose my hard earned emblems, no matter how little of them I end up losing.

TL:DR; please make it so that we can get all of our emblems back when we pay with gems.

EDIT: a good concern was brought up, regarding P2P users who could just distribute their emblems infinitely in the duration of a war, rare quest, etc. A good solution brought up was to limit the amount of times a day / week that resetting with gems is allowed.

I think this would be great. Especially with how rare the reset token are as you said (I only have the first one we got as well).

They could then make resetting NOT using gems also an option, but with the drawback of having to lose a larger % of tokens?


I agree. It’s a bit silly that spending money (gems) over using a free in game item (reset emblem) is the worse option. You’d think it’d be the other way around, spend gems get all your emblems back, reset emblem gives the %, but of course then the reset emblem would need to be a more common drop.


This exactly. The way resetting talent trees works doesn’t even make sense from SGG’s perspective. It’s just a punishment that’s there for no real reason other than encouraging hoarding emblems until the player is absolutely certain of their choice.


I see it this way: if no penalties applied on reseting talent trees, people with tons of gems would be changing over and over talents from one hero to another, between raids or war attacks for example.
I use telented GM in first attack, then reset and buff Grimm for next one, and again, and again…
So the way it is limited today is very F2P and C2P friendly. I think it is OK.


This is why, I believe, the penalty exists. There was perceived to be an advantage for P2W people (and especially in light of the new raid tourneys) if it was only a gem reset cost to move emblems.


I see how that makes sense now. P2P players would have the advantage to swap emblems as they desired. Although if reset emblems go on sale in the shop (I haven’t seen them nor do I think they’ve been on sale yet), then we’d come full circle.

Thanks for the explanation.


It’s a good idea in theory but I think it would give p2p players a bigger advantage. The solution would be to make Reset emblems more common. Maybe add them to a Rare Quest or Challenge Event Completion


Then just limit emblem resetting to once a day, or something.


100% agreed! All emblems back, thanks. #FABULOUSNESS

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I posted this in beta when they came out but I’m glad this thread is gaining traction. Seems like it would make the game better and allow us more freedom to try new things.


That would actually solve the concerns around having P2P players have a big advantage.

Y’know we’re pretty lucky that SGG actually cares about that stuff too. They certainly don’t have to but they do anyways, because they care that their game is enjoyable for everyone too.

Although I still think that all emblems should be gained back by resetting, I appreciate their concern to F2P and C2P gamers. Limiting resets with gems to once a day would be a better way to address that concern though.

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The reason they only return 95% of emblems is to avoid abuse around events, tournaments, and other periodic challenges. For example, let’s say I have invested most of my emblems in 5*’s but want to compete for Panther during Guardians this month. With a full rebate, I could undo all my emblem decisions and put them into the 4* heroes I plan on using for the event, have a leg up in the event, and then go right back to my original allocation afterwards. This would only increase the P2W nature of the game by letting large spenders reallocate their emblems every time they want to use a different hero. In theory, you could always transfer emblems to the team you are using at the moment, to the point of essentially having 30 fully emblemed heroes for wars.


I like the once a day or week option. Or month.
I also think that tc20 should drop reset tokens, that would favor f2p. :slight_smile:


Sometimes the easiest of solutions escape game developers for some reason.

Just limit emblem resets to once a day instead of the % penalty. Will achieve the same result without penalizing experimentation.


I agree. We should be able to test different strategies and losing already rare emblems and not be able to get extremely rare reset emblems is frustrating. Getting all emblems back should be one of those things that SG really should do ASAP. Once a day limit sounds like a great solution.

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The penalty exist to prevent whales from moving emblems from hero to hero especially for raids.

Customizing teams with heavy emblems creates unfair fights during raids especially in top rank fights.


You are right but also wrong - you are talking about tons of gems and millions upon millions of food per team change. Even if the gems held out (probably around $50 per war which i would not do but others might), there is no way that you could generate 30 million food per war. (100k ish per level on a 5* and using lvl 10 as an example not even max x 30 heroes). The numbers of course are not exact and it would be different for a maxed hero and for a 4* hero but no one would exploit that. MAYBE in a close war and that is a huge maybe

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DotCom is right.

The reduction in emblems upon a reset is to stop people with deep pockets from constantly moving around emblems. This would break AW.

Although I am sympathetic to OP’s opinion, I would much prefer to keep the system as is.

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