Getting Guardians possible for new players?

I’ve been playing for about 5-6 months now and trying to work on my titan game. I’ve seen some videos on high hits to Titans and they said Guardians are a huge help. Doing some looking into this, it looks like these heros are from an event back in November 2020 called Guardians of Teltoc.

My question is, am I able to pull any of the guardian heros now? I was thinking from the Elemental Summon?

Any help is great! Also, any other ideas for high titan hits without Guardians is awesome too!

The Guardian of Teltoc event is a returning event. It used to cycle every 5 months but with the new events coming out it could be 6 months. This year has already a Teltoc event in May.


Ug, I must have completely missed it :man_facepalming:t3:. Thank you, I’ll keep an eye out for next one.


There’s some others too. Nordri is a 3* from Valhalla that drops blue defence. I use him on Red 14* titans still because I don’t have Frida (an old Hero of the Month, pops up in the Legends portal and Atlantis as a featured hero from time to time). Almur is a 4* from the same portal and drops green defence.

There’s some 5* costumes too. Leonidas drops yellow and Marjana drops red but they aren’t easy to snag either.

Purple is just Guardian Panther though.


With the new slayers event coming up next month, I’m afraid teltoc is coming back next year January.
August: slayers
September: pirates
October: villains
November: wonderland
December: grimforest
January: teltoc

And that’s if they don’t squeeze in any more events within this time. SG is very trigger happy when it comes to announcing new events and heroes. So I’m not even positive teltoc will be back by January

There will be 2 more second generation events that has yet to reflect red and green. So the lastest teltoc will be pushed to next year is by march

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I wonder when and where they will fit the new Tower of Magic event. I don’t see them ever removing Tavern of Legends (due to the summoning portal). Perhaps alternating Tower of Magic with Ninja Tower? :thinking:

Possibly, they may just merge taverns with the tower events. As tower events have more advanced rules

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Soon there will be a 4* from Tower of Magic.

A tower event every 4 weeks? How stressfull…

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As in cycle a tower event every month like monthly events. It would actually be better

No thanks…

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How is that even stressed, you get ninja tower after every 2 months. If taverns are grouped into it, that’s ninja tower only every 3 months

They are planning to release ToM in the early fall, as per the Early Information on the ToM Heroes thread.

So it could be as soon as September?!

You were saying “tower event every month” in addition to “merge” so I thought it was (Ninja+Tavern)-(Magic+Tavern).

Even if it is Ninja-Magic-Tavern, it will still be more stressfull than current state as it means 2 tower every 12 weeks which is more frequent than 1 tower every 8 weeks. The tavern which have more free summon/event is also less frequent in this scenario. Isn’t guardian panther also available in the tavern?

It is stressfull having to play 10 long stages each day during the event so I don’t looking forward for it to be more frequent. I am only looking forward for the 4* panther so I no longer need to focus on guardian portal.

The only good thing from more frequent tower events is more tower coins to get the 4* panther so challenge coins can be allocated to non-guardian portal. Unless they separate ninja and magic coins.

No, Guardian Panther is only available from Teltoc, and HA10…

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Also more emblems which I would appreciate.

They are still possible to get, though you’ll have to wait until the event returns. Here is a list of the current elemental defense drop heroes with sources for reference.


  • Guardian Panther (Challenge Event - Guardians of Teltoc; very rare chance Hero Academy lv 10)


  • Leonidas Costume (Masquerade portal; rare chance Hero Academy lv 10)
  • Guardian Jackal (4*; Challenge Event - Guardians of Teltoc)


  • Frida (Tavern of Legends; very rare chance Hero Academy lv 10)
  • King Arthur (Challenge Event - Knights of Avalon; very rare chance Hero Academy lv 10)
  • Nordri (3*; Valhalla portal)


  • Phileas Fogg (Underwild portal)
  • Evelyn (Tavern of Legends; very rare chance Hero Academy lv 10)
  • Almur (4*; Valhalla portal)


  • Marjana Costume (Masquerade portal; rare chance Hero Academy lv 10)
  • Guardian Falcon (4*; Challenge Event - Guardians of Teltoc)

The Masquerade, Valhalla and Underwild portals return monthly. The Tavern of Legends is every 2 months. Challenge events are on a 7 month rotation that will probably expand to 10 months soon. Neither Challenge Event referenced here is expected until next year.


I won’t be surprised it’s different currency. Because the tower coin is just a ninja star symbol, not related to magic.


Yeah. I think that too. SGG wouldn’t want to make uber special event currency useable for more than 1 event

Good point.

They are more likely to add yet another new currency than not IMHO.

They have to change the name of the coin to go that route.

Just in case they use the same coin, I am saving the tower coins to aim for the 4* panther.

I am tired of having to keep summoning on guardian portal when I already have falcon and jackal.

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