Getting 5* heroes

Welcome to the forums!

It’s nice to see a RCT 830 right here in the RCT!

(That’s an inside joke. The regulars will lap it right up!)

Your concern APPEARS to be what we in the biz call a “legitimate” concern. Here in this thread we have "totally legitimate, 100% real concerns that MUST be addresssed immediately OR else :wink: :wink: " I understand that the difference is subtle, and as a new forum goer it maybe isn’t immediately clear what the distinction is. But, sometimes that’s life my friend.

What I’m trying to say is: to answer your question. Yes. Luck plays a role. Also. Money. But either way, your question probably doesn’t belong in this thread due to its apparent legitimacy.


I mean. That’s one interpretation. :face_with_monocle:

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