German speaking Alliance is searching / recruiting

Hello everyone!

We are a german (partly also english) speaking alliance :dancing_women: called “Die Anstalt [DA]” :hospital: , which exists almost form the beginning of E & P .

When full we belong to the Top 100-150 Alliance :medal_sports: (having no pressure to achieve any Top 100 quest rankings, but everyone has to do their best).

We chain 14* Titans :space_invader: (without flasks :champagne:), war attacks :crossed_swords: can be freely used and the chat :keyboard: is also relaxed.

Currently we have 5 spots open.

If interested :mag_right: please contact me per Line :phone:: Godon7137

I look forward to hearing from you.

Currently 4 Spots open!

Still searching for new meber!

4 free spots available!

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