GER - Titan hunting alliance with 1 open spot, beginners are welcome

Hi everyone,

Our German speaking alliance Knights of Juradia with focus on Titan hunting is searching for members.

Details can be found in the foreign language section of the forum:

In short:
We are a mixed team with beginners and strong players, currently fighting up to Titan level 7. We want to grow stronger together and defeat bigger Titans in the future. Alliance wars are optional, real life always comes first, we have a Line channel.
Edit: We defeated some Level 8 Titans lately, so we are indeed getting stronger :slight_smile:

Only 2 spots left. Don’t miss your chance :wink:

We have three open spots again!

We have two open spots again!

We have one open spot again!

I’d like to join your Alliance. Also have line channel. Name: burrus64. Thanks

Our alliance is set to “open”. You can just search for us ingame and click on join :slight_smile:

We have two open spots again!

We have an open spot again!

We have one open spot again!

We have 3 open spots at the moment!

We have 5 open spots at the moment!

After a few of our members stopped playing recently, we have 7 open spots now. New players are more welcome than ever :slight_smile: