Game profiles with saved info stored in the cloud (update bug related)

The latest update bug brings a really stunning issue to light…if you delete your game and reinstall it, you lose everything. I think SG needs to immediately work on a way to save each players’ profile so everything isn’t lost this way. Perhaps save the game profiles to the cloud so any time that player downloads it, they can get their progress back.

I can think of a number of situations this will come up: A player gets a new phone, they need to re-image their phone because of a problem. It accidentally got deleted. Another bug causes people to need to delete/download. I think it’s really common for a problem to occur where someone needs to download it again, so create a fix fast or you will lose your customers as they naturally need new phones and stuff happens.

Did you have your game connected to your google play account? (Or the apple equivalent)


Amigo, como faço para salvar o jogo de forma automatica, caso venha a formatar ou perder o aparelho celular?