Who do you guys think is better as an EDD against yellow titans? Guardian Panther (no costume) or Lexi?
Panther Pros:
- -54% (Lexi is -44%)
- Higher attack stat
Lexi Pros:
- Double tile damage passive
- G. Panther
- Lexi
Who do you guys think is better as an EDD against yellow titans? Guardian Panther (no costume) or Lexi?
Panther Pros:
Lexi Pros:
I do not. But I do have the two in the original post, and have not started training Lexi. I’m curious to see if people think it’s worth the effort: I do find Panther to be a real benefit to hit yellow titans.
Definitely. If panther is what you have and you’re only looking at titan teams at the moment, then panther all day long. Costume chamber is coming up as well. Hopefully you can snag Domitia as well
Additionally, while double tile damage would be great, you have to remember that there are four other members on your team and it won’t always be the troops from Lexi doing the damage.
If I had C Domitia then this wouldn’t even be a question lol
It looks to be overwhelming G. Panther. Thank you very much, everybody!
And thank you. I hope so too!
Lexi is totally worth it, but not for titans. She has the same Willbur/costume gunnar effect we like, but in purple Edd. Really usefull in making the top lists in challange festival style events.