The Fuquay Fewqua Fighters are small but looking to expand. Low cup requirement in place to ensure members are at least semi-active but beginners/moderate level players more than welcome. Just be willing to participate in the titans/wars and grow while playing this amazing game.
Hey… i’m at level 10 stronghold right now. nearing the 2000 mark for my front team. produce 40k on 3 star titans, don’t know if damage is different on higher stars because my alliance doesn’t get them. my alliance is somewhat active but dead silent which is why i’m looking for something new. i led a win in the last war, fighting down to my scraps to make sure I got the job done. what rated opponents are you guys going up against? my B team is only 1300ish. Of course I only want to go somewhere where I can continue to be valuable.
We only have 2 members right now. I am level 44 with a 3600 defense team, been exclusively f2p for almost 9 months. I have 15 4+ and above and a full ascended 3+ roster. We only fight level 2 titans right now which yields lousy ascension mats. The other member is similar to you. He has a 2400 defense team. I had the alliance as just myself for a while but looking to expand now. Feel free to join us!
Hey, thanks for replying and being open to me. I’m going to join ThexSickxSidex. They’re currently going up against 3* and 4* titans which is a natural progression for my level. And they claim to be active players and communicators. If that interests the 2 of you, look them up.