[Fun] What is your favorite odd/ weird/ crazy team for 8-7?


I was going to post a new thread asking What’s the theoretically fastest 8-7 farming team but was redirected by the forum to this thread which would probably be better placed. As someone who likes to horde loot tickets until I need to deploy them (primarily in 2:1-5 or 23-11), I usually run 8-7 on Auto a lot. Using @Razor’s amazing hero utility guide (https://www.titanmafia.com/ to plug for his help), here is the team I’ve been using so far:

Elk is 3/70, Grimm is max+7, Hood is 3/70, Quintus is 2/60, and Hu Tao is 4/70. It works fine for the most part, except when Elk and Grimm hit on the edges or the AI makes a 7/10 bowling split and forces the area damagers to choose, and Hood isn’t ideal as she barely kills most of the monsters at 3/70, sometimes leaving one or two at almost dead which are then cleaned up by Quintus and/or Hu Tao AND Hood’s Fox animation can really slow down the entire farming operation, especially if a red tile ghost cascade causes her to fire multiple times which has happened to me personally. Quintus could practically nuke an entire board at 1/1 which was exciting which is why he immediately was thrown onto the Yeti team, but being slow is a problem, and Hu Tao is a farming champ since he’s not great for much else for me now.

So that said, here is my theoretical fastest yeti farming team:

I’m not sure on ordering, but I’m not sure it really matters, and of course none of them really need to have max ascension materials because most of the monsters will die to them at 2/60 or 3/60 anyway. I chose them because of special speed, high damage, and all-hitters from each respective color because in my theoretical criteria, you’re always playing on auto so a full rainbow all-hitter team is best because the AI can’t screw up by flushing missing hero tiles or aiming suboptimally. Kadilen is an honorable mention. Zeline does more damage to Ice which is “better” on 8-7 but is harder to get. Kadilen is far more reachable for the vast majority of people.

Anyone else have any better suggestions? Maybe “fastest team with classic TC20 heroes”?

Keep in mind the following criteria:

  • Always playing on auto without influencing the outcome
  • Must have full rainbow farming team
  • As fast a clear as possible on average
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