📯 Frigg – New Season 3 Hero – 5* Nature/ Green: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Myztero was the rogue I pined for before Frigg. I’d still love Myztero, but Frigg would get my rogue emblems regardless.

I’m too bad a player to see the potential in Myztero. At least as a defensive hero he is seriously lacking. But Frigg, Finley, seshat and many more are stand alone great hero’s. Myztero, Noor etc are niche hero’s. Nothing bad with that, I’m just pining for 1! good stand alone hero at last :smirk:
If I tell my wife where all the hard earned money went into instead of vacation or earrings and I show her KHAGAN , she will kill me or at least unman me :disappointed_relieved::tired_face::clown_face:

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Myztero is awesome. He’s very good in the current DOT meta and at very fast speed he can sling back ailments just as fast as they hit him! Plus, as a rogue, even if he dodges he still memorizes the ailment. Normally Gravemaker hits three but Myztero slings the fire back at all 5. Even Lady Loki can’t do that, but she does cleanse so it’s a toss up.

Well, thanks for the heads up. Motivated to give him another and better chance now!

You definitely should! And make sure to pair him with a level 11 mana troop

hmmmm, isnt he already very fast?

Yes, but with a level 11 mana troop he needs only 6 tiles to charge but without one he needs 6.5, which is much less convenient.

Back to Frigg!

I believe you hit the nail on the head when you said current game play is all about finding possible matches, combos and grouping active tiles together and that we really don’t pay much attention to the ‘dead’ tiles on any given board. This may have lead to Frigg’s potential being underestimated by many payers. I like that SGG have thought outside the box with this type of mechanic and hopefully it will open up new options for team compositions and game play.


I certainly underestimated her. I did 5 pulls to fill my chest and got her but I was more surprised than excited. So I hopped on the forum to read and wasn’t impressed but after my own testing and had that realization I was like :flushed:. Then, with some more luck, made sure to get a second lol.

That’s my premonition about her. Going to get nerfed eventually. Because you know you can’t have fun with any good character. but personally part of me think she’s not going to get one anyways. Everyone has their training playing against telluria. So they might know how to deal with frigg too

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She’s WAY more rare than Telluria and Telluria is still ultimately a better tank. Frigg is more of a wing/flank hero and shines on offense.

But Frigg is still an extremely powerful hero. And being twice as rare as Finley now I doubt she’ll get nerfed.

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Frigg punishes bad boards more relentless than telluria to the point where she can potentially solo everyone but yeah frigg is quite frail too. But even if she dies after firing, have has done her job for the rest to cleanup

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Yeah she’s way way more dangerous than Telluria but even asking her to fire once is a gamble lol. Telluria is tough af though much less dangerous.

If blue was hurting for dispellers the way red is for cleansers then Frigg flanking Black Knight could be the new meta

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Great… more nerf’s for Vela…


From @Razor
[What-if analysis made easy - talent tree / classing (Class Node BOM(b)) - #136 by Razor]

It appears adding attack pepper to the AoE sauce is acceptable for Frigg’s health/def and speed indicating a likelihood of firing twice anyway


I have both hehehe…i’m leveling Frig as far as I can

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@Mr.Spock thought it was this thread j was asking about the emblems, anyways the defense is my alliance mate. He went mostly attack path

Here’s his card.


Do you have a pic of the path?


Same here, shes just fantastic and also well balanced in my opinion. Yes, she can heavily hit a whole team like Finley and even destroy it, BUT shes way more situational and requires some planning in order to become that effective.
My new favourite hero to use, took a while as Alfrike was holding that spot for quite a long time.


5 days ago I said that maybe she was going to change the meta in defense. If not balance, she is going to be the best red tank flank we have ever seen in this game by far. I wish I had her to flank my BK.