Frigg needs a big nerf

You mean, one thousand S3 summon
Tyr and Fenrir should get the next costumes so they can be elite too

In @Archeā€™s defense: She? isnā€™t making the claim, but wants to see it in action.
Which was actually part of the claim.

It does sound like a worthy popcorn moment, doesnā€™t it? I want to see it, too!
I could probably do it after enough tries
Butā€¦ I meanā€¦ why? I guess becauseā€¦ most of us canā€™t fight them with the A+, A, A++ , A+, A team?

It would be a veryā€¦very long match. Unlike my Frigg/Odin matches


How much times Tyr or Fenrire (both FAST) must use their special skill to kill all your team?

Skadi can. At 9 tiles with emblems

Your voice has been fair and distempered. I think even acknowledging a minor imbalance.

I personally appreciate you donā€™t argue that water isnā€™t wet!

Maybe there will always be this reckoning where people hit the paywallā€¦hard! And drop their jaws.

And people on the other side are enjoying the challenge!

I like theā€¦ ā€œyou canā€™t win 'em allā€ debate. Not only that butā€¦ you shouldnā€™t! How fun would that be?

So as long as the game isnā€™t broken, then evidently weā€™re all playing a great game?

Iā€™ve spent a lot. And I can navigate these defenses most of the time. I feel beneath those who navigate less often! Most the time I carry their torch because, I find it painful watching fully developed 5* that previously were enjoyed and now collect dust. Thereā€™s money stacked up on that dusty shelf!
And every season, every event, another shelf gets added. And that shelfā€¦winds up saturating the game.

I have to keep reminding myself that the game isnā€™t currently broken, per seā€¦
I still hate Frigg on offense :yum: and never wanted a nerf.

I need a new definition for balance!
Especially before Easter gets hereā€¦

How aboutā€¦
E&P Balance: A constant lean into gale force winds. The higher you climb, the stronger the wind!

If this topic is about Frigg, then thatā€™s really about running into the paywall.

Running into either Frigg or Odin isnā€™t challenging with the B team. Manipulate tiles. And persevere.

But combine them?
Friggā€™s DD gives you less time.
Odinā€™s speed boost gives you less time.
And your have 2 sets of tiles to manipulate! Itā€™s a great challenge.
I wonder what the one that replaces it will look like.


It absolutely is a great challenge. One I tend to enjoy facing. Much like Telli, Vela, GM used to be.

But here is the interesting part, no one HAS to face Frigg and Odin in raids. There is a reroll button.

If the complaint is that people want the game to nerf all great heroes so they can climb to #1 on the global list then they are asking for that achievement to be tainted.

I hate fighting Frigg and Odin. Especially if Bera is in that mix. But I still CHOOSE to do it. And I talk mad trash to the opponent when I win. :joy:

So letā€™s kill the ā€œnerf everything I canā€™t beatā€ talk and actually discuss how players are beating that combo. I figured out Telli, Vela, Gm issue pretty quickly. Same with Odin and Frigg. The answer is not to weaken everything, the answer is to grow stronger by gaining wisdom in how to defeat the stronger teams.


Whatā€™s wrong with you people?
Always crying and demanding to nerf heros!
We (the majority) donā€™t want to play a plain boring game, cuz a few canā€™t (or donā€™t know how to) play it in a challenging form!
Where is the joy if you play just with common ā€œaverageā€ powered heros?!
Crying people nerfed Telluria, Vela, etcā€¦ for what? For having a chance to win without investments (time or/and money) in this game.
At least cry before good heros are released!
If you canā€™t keep up, go play solitaireā€¦


Why not? why are you crying about ā€œusā€ people? I see no difference in your comment.
Complain before release? Come on dude, not everyone has a beta key and even then, they still ignore the warnings, be realistic.
Keep up by spending money is a great way to think for small giant. Hope you will spent more to ā€œkeep upā€

Anyways, frigg and odin are still unbalanced cause you just loose if you cant find matches in 2-3 turns. And thats more like gambling then before, not much skill and fun involved. Just money and luck

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Frigg is not OP. You want heroes to complain about, then look at s4.

Show me the precedent where all heroes in a group are equally good. S1? No. S2? No. Events? No. That is nothing new.


Frigg and Odin are both OVER POWERED. That doesnā€™t mean they are invincible, it just means they are far more powerful than they should be. They shouldnā€™t be able to do what they do with the mana speed and stats they currently have. #sorrynotsorry

Many of the heroes you mentioned either were overpowered at one point and they nerfed them or they created a counter for them. Whoā€™s the counter for Odin/Frigg?

Who gets to say they arenā€™t overpowered? If I feel they are over powered then they should be nerfed. Or at least thatā€™s how these threads go regardless of the fact that you as an individual CHOOSE to fight them. Again, reroll button works like a charm. Furthermore, which of the heroes I mentioned got a nerf? Iā€™ll wait for your response while I point out that Frigg and Odin have already received a nerf. Letā€™s be honest for once, you all want heroes to all be the same. Easy to beat and no need for actual intellectual growth on how to use your roster better. At the same time you call for other heroes (like Thor or Myzterio) to get a buff. The heroes arenā€™t the same. Nor should they be. If they were there would be no reason to pull for any of them. You burned Telli to the ground. You burned Vela to the ground. Now you want to burn Frigg and Odin to the ground. It never ends. This forum will be a disaster when S4 hits. You all will lose your minds about these heroes when there are far more pressing issues that need resolution in this game!

As for my method of dealing with these 2 in particularā€¦When I see Odin or Frigg on the board I beat them at their own game. Since both are usually flanked Iā€™ll take yellow or green to make the tiles that work for them work for me. This can be difficult if Frigg flanks BK or Gravemaker, but I measure the risk and go with what I think will work. Odin is a bit easier as he normally flanks a purple tank. But even if he doesnā€™t I still take yellow. I have to do this in war with solid color tanks. It can be done in raids too. The toughness of a defense is not dependent on if they have Frigg or Odin or even both. Are those 2 helpful? Yes. But the toughness of a defense is its total sum of parts. Plain and simple. Find the weakness, find the counter, find the precursor, FIND THE KNOWLEDGE and you will find more wins.

Youā€™re under the impression I specifically struggle against them. Who said that, because I didnā€™t. My intention for speaking out is to raise awareness. Perhaps you donā€™t care about balance, but I do. Many of the heroes you mentioned, I have and would more than gladly accept a rebalance of them if that is what is best for the game. As far as choosing to fight these heroes, sometimes, I have no choice. Youā€™re thinking about raids, but Iā€™m thinking about EVERYTHING ELSE. If youā€™ve figured out a way to reroll during a raid tournament or war, pleas let me know, Iā€™ll give you my line/discord details. But anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Alby received a counter in the form of Natalya because he was OP when he came out. He eventually received a correction/update to his skill where it concerned the amount of mana each hero would receive based on the speed of their mana respectively.

MN was out for less than a year before Jabberwock was created because, again, she was completely broken with a 50% revive chance. Add to the fact that this was when Guin reigned supreme where you had to focus on her in order to fire your own heroes, just to end up seeing her resurrection at the worst time possible due to MN.

Alfrike is another hero that I believe has completely unbalanced the game and she needs to be looked at too, because she is a broken card for anything rush related.

Heimdall is countered by Alfrike and the Vampires, Vanda and Victor.

Ursena, and to an extreme extent Killhare, have already been touted as overpowered. Malosi was created to ensure the death of purple tanks like Ursena because she was (and I maintain that she still is) over powered, even @NittanyLionRoar said so at one point, just go watch his YouTube video on potential nerfs.

Finley is another hero that does too much for very little.

BK is another hero.

Kageburado was seen, at one point to be over powered, but time has not been kind to him.

Iā€™m not even going to talk about the ninjas beyond this sentence.

The point that Iā€™m trying to make here is that it takes no skill in using an autopilot card that can nuke an entire team. BK is the ultimate defender for both offensive and defensive raiding. Odin/Frigg/Finley are too fast for the extreme effects they apply. Alfrike should have a ton more RNG related to her special considering how many new heroes speed up mana. And donā€™t get me started again about MN/Alby.

Bottom line for me is this. I hear multiple sides and I come here to speak for people who would otherwise not speak up for themselves. I get that many of you have invested time/money into this game and thatā€™s cool, but itā€™s also a choice you made, just like me. So if someone comes along and simply asks for some rebalancing of heroes that do too much, that everyone is aware that they do too much, then I donā€™t get the petty remarks.

What I said was statistically accurate based off of the leaderboard AND the hero use at the top 100 teams. They all know, just like you know, just like I know, that those heroes are widely sought after for a reason and that reason is because they are over powered.

SG has made counters before, but they have also done rebalancing. They need to do more of the latter and less of the former in my opinion.

They might be foreboding now, butā€¦
Time wonā€™t be kind to friggodin either!

No hero will ever compare to the next set.

Heroes are the pins. And SG is the machine that drops the pins at the back of the lane. And bowling balls are the massive amounts of cash that players hurl at them. So long as that keeps happening. New pins will keep dropping. Bigger, faster and stronger than before

ad nauseamā€¦

Which makes that dirty little four-letter N word: harmful to some in the moment.
And harmful to everyone in a few monthsā€¦

For real changeā€¦ not a single ball should be loosed. Not 1. In a couple months, maybe less. There would be real change.
But thatā€™s not going to happen. The last hashtag took off like a fartā€¦


You asked the question. I gave an answer. Itā€™s called teaching.
Every example you gave was in response to my postI was a counter hero to the heroes I mentioned. Not a nerf. Btw Jabber came out way after MN. Nat vs Albi? Really? Alfrike and Vanda are not specific counters for Heimdall. These heroes have multiple uses. Which is what actually makes the game interesting. Knowing these counter measures, how to use them is what most callā€¦ wait for itā€¦ knowledge! :man_facepalming:t2:

So Iā€™m correct. You basically want all heroes to be the same. Got it. No sense in speaking anymore. Iā€™ll let you and others continue to cry about heroes. Youā€™ll help kill the game. Devs are doing a great job of it but nice to see your happy to hand em deathnails. :+1:t2:

Btw, you are not bringing awareness. You helping enable the continuous whining and slowing of others growth. As I said before, you really want to help? Explain to those struggling with these heroes how to beat them. Much like I did.

And finally you answered the real question here. When a hero that is strong gets introduced most claim they are OP. But the fact is another hero will come that counters them or there is already a hero or 2 that can stop them in their tracks. You mentioned Finley. Great ways to stop him are BK, Krampus, Mitsuko, just to name a couple. Telli/Vela is another example. Graz, Anz and Zim were already out to halt them and give you the upper hand. Instead of coaching people, or people looking to learn how to beat them, they just complain. Now there are ascension mats many have in both that they will never get back. Congrats. You and others like you robbed them. Hope you feel good about it. It cost the community a huge swath of experienced and helpful players.

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She was a direct response to Alby.

It was a bad one my friend. Kind of like Noor as a response to Telli :joy:

Have you been playing this game since the beginning? If so, you know that Natalya was created as a direct response to Alby just like Jabberwock was created to kill MN while being strong against Guin. They could have swapped white rabbit and Jabberwockā€™s skills, but they didnā€™t.

Almost since the beginning. But Nat was not the answer for Albi any more than Azlar honestly. Faster mana speed but not a huge threat. But letā€™s say she is for the question at hand.

Albi comes out late 2017. Nat is a response early 2018. You kind of prove my point. Just because a hero seems OP doesnā€™t mean they need a nerf. It just means you have to adjust to how you approach attacking them. @Pompitous is right also. A hero to counter them is right around the corner.

In the end nerfs donā€™t help. Honestly Reuben should have been released after Telli instead of Noor. He wouldā€™ve been far more helpful.

But I stand by my statement of strength through knowledge. You get better by figuring out how to overcome instead of having the battle handed to you by someone or something else.

Goodnight all. Iā€™m out.

Ways of tackling Frigg:

  • Deplete green tiles
  • Use Myztero/Lady Loki to flip the defense down around. Even more effective if the tank is Bera and/or there are other ailment dealers in the team
  • Use JF to turn the defense down to your defense up
  • Use C Melendor to heal the damage Frigg does and undo the defense down with your own defense up
  • Any kind of reflect
  • Zocc, Proteus or any other mana controller
  • 3 or 4 red tiles on a full mono stack
  • Ailment blocker

Ways of dealing with Odin

  • Deplete yellow tiles
  • Zocc, Proteus or any other mana controller
  • 3 or 4 purple tiles on a full mono stack
  • C Melendor to heal the damage and negate the mana gain

Ways of dealing with Frigg/Odin combination:

  • If you canā€™t stop them going off ensure Odin goes off before Frigg
  • If the tank is Bera or Bera then use any of the minion counters to win. Skadi is the most effective way of doing this and has the great added bonus of significantly slowing down the mana of Frigg and Odin

These are all off the top of my head mainly based on my own experiences - I am sure there are dozens of other ways/heroes out there that can be used effectively to counter Frodin. I donā€™t find Frigg/Odin too tricky but depending on the formation and the tank it can be easier or harder. I donā€™t think they are at all OP but are a nice challenge. OP is when you talk about some slow heroes in VF format, such as Alfrike, and these two donā€™t come anywhere close to that level even when together.

FYI I have Frigg but no Odin. Frigg I use in raids but donā€™t use in titans because she is not too effective there - I use C Brienne instead. In raids Frigg typically gives a defense down figure of around 23-29% based on the number of tiles available so definitely nowhere near OP.


Yes, It is a troll, I knowā€¦ But why you considered a troll as a good reason for not do a balance? It is not fair in my opinion.

Can we start to talk about real world? Frigg and Odin are Over Powered Heroes. I know How to play, I know strategy, because I play in the 2500 to 2750 cups against this Freak Heroes using S1 and 4* Heroes.

Basic the strategy is: Take Care with Green and Yellow board while you use 3 or 4 moves to kill the Tank and this two Freak Heroes, after It, you can kill the Ninjas in the flanksā€¦ But If the defense use ā€œReverseā€ , you need to change the order. COME ON, without a Taunt and a five A+ offensive teams from events, you need to be a ā€œNinjaā€ every revenge after get above 2700 cups.

They need to be balanced, because this is the same reason they balanced Telluria and Vela, they have a strong sinergy, right?

They need to reduce the damage or turn this heroes average mana. The current balance was not enough.

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