Friendly beginner alliance looking for active members

Hey all! Pure Heart is looking for new players. We are semi casual, not ranked, but we have a great group and don’t take ourselves too seriously. We have some vets who are very helpful, so it’s an ideal place for beginners who want to get strong!

If you want a place with no drama, a place to grow, or a place with relaxed requirements, please join Pure Heart in game! We only ask that you do your best on the Titans and alliance war the majority of the time. And have fun!

PM me with questions.

Your alliance sounds similar to our alliance, Groots Roots. We have about 6 open slots, maybe we could combine alliances? We’ve been around for almost a full year.

Interesting… I can bring your suggestion to the leaders! I’m just trying to help :slight_smile:

Sounds good. You could have someone join and check us out first :slight_smile: if they want.

@xugiua Hey, I haven’t responded because there’s been some drama over here with people leaving. Is there a place where we can talk privately about your suggestion? My line ID is cfrob.