Freak show: Domitia, Quintus, Elkanen. Which one to max?

My current Def team: Joon, Boldtusk, Perseus, Tiburtus/Rigard, Marjana. Let me stay at Brilliant league and pretty nice at war.
Also I have just 1 Damascus blade and 3 5* to potential max up.

I see, that Domitia get B rank on 7DD grades recently, but I still in doubts. And for AW it seems Quintus kinda better. Or even Elkanen. Also I have 10 tabards already and only 6 tonics.

Out of those 3 heros I would do Domitia. Mainly for her ability to Dispell.

I honestly wouldnt waste materials on either Elkanen or Quintus, they’re not impactfull enough.

And with only 1x damascus blade, I might not even ascend Domitia.

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Yeah, I’d sit on the mats for now. Maybe get them to 3/70 or not at all but I’ll wait for better options.

Double Quintus is incurable!