šŸ’‚ Frank 'Fangs' Brimwell - 5* Holy / Yellow from Garrison Guards

Iā€™ve noticed he is only garrison that summmon a recruit MM for special. Is that a mistake?
That MM is basically the same as the family bonus. :sweat:

Nevermind i misunderstood. Recuit minion as the specific MM summoned

I think its a balance to a fairly strong special that typically hits all and the MM gets a boost from other MMs being in play

He needs a mega minion buff, something better, because he needs some new effect

Been playing with him for a few weeks now. Use him in a MEGA team with Shimmerscale, Rosalind, Vanya and Dima. His mega minion is simply not as good as theirs. Vanya and Rosalind trade off the initial Recruit Guard (30%/140%) with beefy Shield Guards (65%/180%). Dima and Shimmerscale get vicious Sword Guards (35%/300%). He only gets a replacement Recruit Guard (30%/140%) and if he isnā€™t paired with other Garrison Guard heroes it is only 20%/100%). As a Fighter class hero, he should get a Sword Guard just like Dima and Shimmer.

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Mine is still naked. Enough said.

They just need to add a line to his special saying :

For each mega minion allies own, all mega minions get + 5% attack (max 25%)

(He is a mentor figure having a recruit guard, whereas all others have mega minions with abilites) :slight_smile:

I maxed mine, because out of five 5* Garrison heroes I have, only him and Vanya start with and summon MM (other being Iocantha and Pip x2). I also have Greg and I am currently trying Whitefang and Swiftpaw, who start with quite strong minions and Swiftpaw also summons them. For my project of making as fast auto-player team as possible they seem to work well.

That being said why Frank has Recruit MM when faster Shimmerscale has Sword one is beyond me. Hope he gets buffed.


I got Frank in the most recent Super elemental portal and he still needs that mega minion buffed. I kind of like the idea these garrison guard heroes get a lot stronger with ither garrison guard membersā€¦being a guard and all. But 30% HP and 150% attack should be the low end and scale to 60% HP and 300% attack.

His minion should be bigger, and he should hit all. Then he would be ok.

In the appropriate team - he will almost always hit all.

Oh yes woops, I stupidly forgot that!