🎃 Francine - 5* Nature/ Green from Return to Morlovia (Halloween)

Faced a three heavily emblemed Francine’s on defense now.

The most impressive was flanking BK and with his attack boost she crushed two slightly injured heroes and left one fully healthy hero hanging by a thread.

In all three fights her cleanse helped her team vs the ailments my team casts (I don’t tend to bring a dispeller in this team I am using now) and she dishes out a ton of damage.

I thought she was very good when she was first spotted in beta. She IS that good and plays very well on defense.

I agree with @JAG101836, wing isn’t her most effective position, my preference would be flank. She may be able to tank well if you run green in war, but for tower defense Ursena probably serves you better there especially as Ursena needs to fire ASAP to do full damage, Francine can do cleanup.

Additionally - Having faced Clarissa many times on defense I must admit that I was very wrong when defending her here on the forum. She really doesn’t bring anything to the table, she merely tickles and can be ignored while you deal with the dangerous heroes in the other team.