Forum Toxicity

Ignore option

Having moderated a forum with ignore list it does quickly fracture into cliches.

Not to mention the headache from only seeing half the conversation when no one quotes.

Or clogging up smartphone screens when whole sections of conversations are quoted and not hidden behind [details] tags. Which are very hard to use on smartphones. Sometimes I save a draft and finish it on a computer.

Personally I am against an ignore option.

It is highly unlikely will implement such an option.

Forum flags

Not to be abused, but flags signal the mods a post has violated a forum rule.

Enough user flags will hide a post until a mod can review the flags ( clear flags or confirm flags or take whatever steps are necessary for all parties involved).

Summarize button

For FAQ questions, like lost recruits when canceling training, the summarize button can be awesome.

Use your likes

Likes help.

But if you do not use your likes then trolls have zero likes but mentors also have zero likes so the software, and new users, have no way to tell the difference.

Please, use your likes.

Instead of responding to toxic posts, use likes to raise up users who constructively contribute so their voice can be heard above the trolls rumbling in the dark.