Forum Interviews: An Audience with @Guvnor 🌳

Hey @Guvnor, I’m late to the party, as last week was crazy. But I had bookmarked this and today am trying to catch up. Thanks for sharing! I appreciate all the modding and posting you do. Like many, I feel the thread you made on chasing Guardian Panther was an innovative and informative post.

DaveCozy already made a strong case, but I want another opinion. Why should I make time for Puzzle Combat in my relatively scarce gaming time?

I have the power to arrange the upcoming war match-ups. What alliance do you most want to battle?

I also have the power to arrange your next raid draw. Which poster do you want to attack?

Quick comments:

  • You have a good dog.
  • Impressive library! I particularly appreciate how well organized it is.
  • Cool BK + Elena interaction! As I have neither I didn’t know / never thought of that! Also, to be fair, SGG can sometimes be a bit lax about whether special skills are proc-ed from top to bottom or not, so…