Forum Interviews: An Audience with @ArktikaTF šŸŽ™ļø

second picture is called: Petri in Russia, visited the Arktika :joy: :wink:

Petri in Russia


@ArktikaTF what a lovely interview! and I know you think your English is not good, but I have to say itā€™s good enough - I not only completely understand what you say, but I also feel the weight, power and emotion behind your stories!

You definitely come across as a strict, firm yet kind alliance leader. I was amazed at the dedication of your alliance members, climbing mountains / driving in cars to find a good connection.

And I am quite impressed, you already know I am a big fan of your art, but also I am so impressed at your YouTube channel AND alliance - how do you manage to find the time to do all those?? Quite amazing! thank you for sharing all these wonderful things with us!


Thank you, my dear friend, for your support! I always feel your sympathy! And itā€™s mutual!
I do worry a lot about my poor English. Iā€™ve seen people become enemies just because they donā€™t understand each other. Therefore, I am very afraid of misunderstanding!
As for the time to deal with the YouTube channel and the Allianceā€¦ sometimes itā€™s really hard. We make our channel not as a blog, but as a fan channel. We very rarely upload recordings of fights. We mainly do character reviews, beginner guides, and historical referencesā€¦ and this approach requires a long preparation of materials, a lot of effort and time. After all, we even often use music that my husband composes specifically for voicing our videos. So it may take several days to work on a single videoā€¦
And working with Alliance takes time. For example, during a war, when the Alliance goes on the offensive, I spend three hours online coordinating actions and helping the fighters choose targetsā€¦
But Iā€™m not complaining. Iā€™m loving it. ))))


Love your art and always amazed with your talent.
Thank u for sharing with us.


wow! I admire your patience and dedication. thanks for sharing all your work with us :slight_smile: and thank you also for the kind words to me!


Loved reading your interview! My favorite part was your alliance member climbing the hill to get better reception. I could ā€œseeā€ that in my minds eye!

Your first picture tickled me immensely. :grin:


@ArktikaTF I love your artwork! Very happy to have you on the forum. :heart:


It was a pleasure to get acquainted with you via the interview @ArktikaTF
You seem like an incredibly pleasant person and Iā€™m definitely a fan of your stance on avoiding toxicity.

Wish you the best with your gaming endeavors.


These are absolutely sincere words! Donā€™t doubt it for a second! :hugs: :kissing_heart:


Can I give you a friendly hug and kiss? Thank you so much for your support! Iā€™m glad to meet you! :hugs: :kissing_heart:


I am very pleased to hear this! Thank you very much! :hugs: :kissing_heart: Name me any hero and I will come up with a picture especially for you! :wink:


I am very happy to meet you! Iā€™ve always liked the way you think! I always read your messages with interest. Youā€™re smart and honest. Always be like this. :hugs: :kissing_heart:


I am also very happy to meet you! Thank you very much for your kind words, for your support and wishes! I also sincerely wish you good luck in the game and in life! I hope our communication will continue! :hugs: :kissing_heart: :wink:


My namesake pic is Layla. My favorite old school hero is Cyprian, and the HOTM I most wished for was Vela. Pick any one of those.

(Feel free to put a fun spin on it, anything you like!) :+1::grin:


Great! I promise to come up with a gift for you. :wink:


This is a fascinating interview of a new bright light on the forum. It is always great to see new people joining who bring such a fresh positivity.

Love your artwork @ArktikaTF, and your husbandā€™s music :grin:


Hi, @ArktikaTF, Iā€™m very happy to see you pop up in The An Audience With series!

I really enjoyed reading about your approach to heroes - that they all have value and you must learn to use them. As soon as I get the materials for Quintus and Horghall I will figure out how to use them!

Your comments about war being primarily for unity and team building also really spoke to me. And itā€™s been great to see you pop in the cooking and Baking thread!

Like you, I play the game with my significant other, which makes it more fun for both of us. Occasionally weā€™ll farm for the other person, open each otherā€™s chests, etc. It sounds like you and your husband collaborate quite a bit (like on videos).

Iā€™m curious about the videos - it sounds like they have very high production values. How did you get started on that project, what are your goals, and how did you grow your subscriber base?


@nevarmaor thank you, dear friend, for your kind words! :blush: I am very happy to meet you! :hugs: :kissing_heart:


@IvyTheTerrible thank you for your kind words! :blush: and once again thank you very much @JonahTheBard for offering me an interview! Such interviews are a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better and learn more about each other not only as E&P players, not only as forum participants, but also as people.
As for my Youtube channelā€¦ When my husband and I created the channel, we could not even think that it would become so popular. We never ordered ads for the channel, we never sent anyone an invitation to subscribe, we just made videos about the game that we were interested in doing ourselves. And it was a complete surprise for us when the number of subscribers began to grow very quickly. Viewers came to the channel, watched our videos, subscribed and shared links with their friends in alliances. My husband and I really appreciate this trust and now we are trying to do everything not to disappoint our viewers, who have given us confidence. We communicate with them in the comments. By the way, many members of our Alliance once came to us precisely because they watched our videos and liked our work, our thoughts and our approach to the game. They wanted to play with us on the same team.