Forum Game: Volume the 7th - Count to 20 before a Mod/Staff post 0! Wins - 140 [Highest number in this thread: 280] (Part 1)

What about 8 Lemmings?

9 lions to complete :slight_smile: @Owzat u need to edit to 8 :wink:

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At least 10 different species of birds.

11 Snakes. Maybe some cobras or pythons I guess

Ooo and a farm area with 12 cows.

Pigs, we’ll have 13 pigs. 12 can get married and the other can be an eligible bachelor

I’m not sure how I’d feed 14 elephants

15 Rhinos horns belong on rhinos

16 flamingos could add some color.

17 monkeys - no monkey, no parteyyyyy :slight_smile:

I re-watched The Lion King recently. 18 lions would be even harder to feed than elephants

19 hyenas with those lions to feed too

I have zero idea what these animal references are.

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Aww we were 1 away from completing the zoo!

2 bad, so we need to find a new topic to get up asap

It’s a three from JGE

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It’s a four but don’t want to use the numbers in my name

Need a high 5 with my coffee, i skipped Monday so short week


6 is finally here nooooooooooooooooow

Here for an epic se7en.