Forum Game: Volume the 6th - Count to 20 before a Mod/Staff post 0! Wins - 126 [Highest number in this thread: 191] (Part 1)

Yes, count for more :slight_smile:


63 would be next in line

63 follows next :slight_smile:

65 woohoo we’re rolling

65 follows next :slight_smile:

67 is next for progress

67 comes next :slight_smile:

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58 is missing, guys.

Don’t worry, double count is not a problem, missing count is. @PlayForFun @Muchacho @kwong79 59 to 68…


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Well fudge. That’s my fault. I’ll go back and edit, but it’s going to go downstream. So sorry :frowning_face:

70 I think is next. I got confused :no_mouth:

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Woah! Go team - 71.

Are we already at 72?

why not drop a 73 then :rofl: :coffee:

I get the honor of doing the first reset with zero.


Good morning Kaffy ! :slight_smile:

Let’s express our warm welcome in this topic :slight_smile:

You are 1st mod who arrived here :slight_smile:

As I see you have used your super powers to enter a reseting number to end of last thread…

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You mean this post?

Yes :slight_smile:


Pls do not tell Guvnor that we are here :smiley:

let me add a 2 for now and be back later :stuck_out_tongue:

3 goes next in the count