Forum Game: Vol. 4 of Count to 20 before a Mod/Staff post a 0! Wins - 226 Highest no. reached 422 [in this thread]

2 to add something to the start

:three: to continue a bit

4 to add some spice!

High FIVE on the wins I’ve missed.

6 Royal Tabbards for Clarissa.

I wish!
Adding a :seven:

  1. To add to the count

Still, zero 2020 HOTMs.

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More than 1 HotM of 2020.

I have at least 2 HoTM.

I can think of a reason or THREE for that. :smiling_imp:


4 to continue rhe count.

And FIVE comes around for me again.

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six and half a dozen.

Lucky seven. Keep the mods away.

8 again, seems to be my number today.

9 is the number King ecbert approves

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Down for another zero. Tah tah.

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NOT tah tah! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
1 to start the count again.


2 la la.