Forum edit box not always working properly

On Android 8.1 Chrome 66.0.3396.86. there most of the time seems to be a problem with the reply button.

After I entered my most intelligent text into the textbox if I click on the “reply” button. My cursor went back into the the textbox.

I tried many things including:

  1. hit the back button from my telephone to escape the the textbox and then press the reply button
  2. Try to reply to someone after I entered text with the button below the comment another user placed. I actually see that person getting selected for my reply. But after I try to actually reply. I jump in the edit text field again.

I noticed more buttons on the bottom have the same behavior. Lets hope the button “Create Topic” works this time.


I have the same problem. It happenes regularly since 2 month.


It’s happening to me too. I’ve found that switching from mobile view to desktop view allows me to post my reply, but its a pain in the rear

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Not the most elegant solution, but oh well I can try next time. Thanks.

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