Forum Challenge Event VIII Discussion

I guess it could be. Just as long as each image is unique.

Figured this would be a fun way to make it last longer. Instead of just one shot, look for multiple number combinations.

Ok, thx for the clarifications @littleKAF

Yes, it will be definitly more fun :slight_smile:

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Hmmm :thinking: cough cough :roll_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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True enough. @Dudeious.Maximus suggested we should have a larger reward. Then SGG considered it and it got changed to what you see.

I still take no credit myself. :upside_down_face:


Thanks ill take credit :blush: and thanks to @Petri for the compromise to make this happen :green_heart:
Also nice one @littleKAF for sorting a new challenge …:+1:

Good luck to yall :clap:


This event is the bomb! Many many bombs!

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Thx @Dudeious.Maximus that was a nice idea.

Are there any plans in adding the gem reward in the event’s logo beside the flasks ?



Thanks the prize did need a bit of a revamp imo 3 of each flasks dont meen alot really, sure its a bit of fun at the end of the day but give a little booost to the prize thats in its 8th time.
Sure its down to 3 instead of 5 winners …ill take full blame for that …

Errr ask @littleKAF about graphics stuff :wink:


I will try to increase my chances with an entry as close to 630 (which is the maximum) as possible :slight_smile:

I am wondering which will be highest entry number during the event :slight_smile:

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I remembered when we had the discussions that I should revamp that, then I forgot to do it. It was done by @JonahTheBard. I should be able to find someone who can help me with that.

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This could lead to a lot of scrolling by the mod to get the count right, but should be interesting for the rest of us.


I did notice in the challenge post, one reference to the seventh rather than eighth Forum Challenge. Doesn’t really impact anything, but thought you might want to fix it.

“Alas, with the sun high in our northern sky, your king hath decreed by proclamation that we shall have a seventh Forum Challenge Event.”


PS - Any chance we can retroactively give past forum challenge winners some gems? lol


How’s this?


I try to find them all. Missed that one. Probably because I didn’t edit the first paragraph much as I usually do. I got lazy.

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It looks good for me :slight_smile:

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And once again

Thank you!

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Wow @Oakenshield

That’s a lot.
In this challenge not just highest bomb count matter.
You can add more screenshots with different count of bombs, and all will be counted in total.


Why not?

But this one counts for zero. :joy::rofl::joy::joy:

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Because you have to take screenshot at just the right time, but if they count, it’s a little easier getting higher number

Just trying to be complete :wink:

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Not on you :wink: don’t worry. I got it by watching what others did lol

Thanks again for doing this Kaffy!



I raise 2. :sweat_smile: cough 12 cough