Forgotten forges… who needs em?

So still pretty new. Working with my first earned VIP pass and have been upgrading farms, mines, houses and storage (Iron/Ham….see what I did there…:drum:)

I have never really invested in forges. I hardly use battle items but it’s dawning on me that I may have to to pass certain levels. Currently stuck trying to beat stage 20 Rare in Kalevala… I have maxed level threes with pretty good 2* troops and just can’t beat the three final bosses.

So are battle items necessary to advance? I feel like it’s cheating to use them :joy:
I just want my heroes and their skills and synergy to pull off the victory.

Anyway, should I be advancing my forces and upgrading the buildings or continue to put time and resources toward the buildings i mentioned above?


yea you should upgrade 1 forge to 20, don’t have to research all the items, just research the ones you think you’ll use. will be helpful in events, path of valor, quests, world map, and most importantly Titans…

then other forges to level 5 i believe to convert to other buildings later(barracks, hero academy, hunters lodge, alchemy lab)


battle items are crucial to scoring well in challenge events, Titans and Mythic Titans. if you want to place well, you will need battle items.

And some bosses (in events, world map) are really tough to do without battle items.


I use one forge to keep my stock of battle items up (mainly tornadoes and super mana potions for titans, dragon and bomb attacks for bosses). The other three are converted to hero academy, hunter’s lodge, and barracks. The barracks I sometimes switch back and forth. Right now I only sporadically use alchemy lab. And yes, the forges need to be level 5 to convert.

Forges are the least painful building to lose to converting.


After all 3 conversions are completed, we’re left with 2 forges, right? One is more than enough. Maybe devs can enable the conversion of the 4th to a hero training camp?

You’re left with one forge. Unless you unwisely sacrifice a training camp. Barracks Hero Accademy, and Alch Lab take three of the four. Hunter’s lodge I swap in and out on an iron mine when I need it to produce stuff.

Your conversions aren’t permanent. You can swap them in and out and not lose progress.

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I do have all 3 mentioned buildings (barracks, hunter’s, hero academy), alchemy lab and 4 training camps and i am left with 2 forges (lev. 20 & 11). Did i miss something? :worried: :thinking:

did you perhaps convert a farm or a mine instead?

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How many farms / mines do you have ?

If the answer isn’t 9 farms and 4 mines then you have found the solution. :smiley:


7 farms! Finally! Thanks a million @Oxide @sleepyhead :pray: !


Oh man two additional farms is huge! Thank goodness for this thread!


enjoy your additional food :smiley: