For all the players who don’t own Gravemaker

Lol no


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It was close to 75 pulls: had a few hundred Atlantis coins stockpiled, and made 4 10x pulls and 1 30x pull, plus the offers for coins during the event.

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I would have said for all players who don’t own Telluria… leave this game

I saved to pull for GM and clarissa this Atlantis. 127 pulls. 120 3* and 7 dupe 4*. No Clarissa, no GM. The only two times I have chased a hero were this Atlantis and March, when I did well over 200 pulls for Telluria in Atlantis, Costume Chamber and Valhalla, as well as Springvale. Over 200 pulls, and I got… Mok Arr and Vivica #5. No Telluria.

The only HOTM that Í didn’t get since I started (Frida, in March last year).

Oh, well. E&P life goes on.

I can’t really complain, though. just over a year playing and I have 55 5*.

It really is random, after those 200+ pulls for Telluria in March, last month I got Heimdall + Malosi on a single coin pull in Valhalla. I can live with that.

Still miss GM, though.

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I’m playing EP for a bit more than 3 years. I agree you can reach diamond arena without top heroes. But you cannot stay in diamond arena without top heroes since few months. That’s only my point of view but I have 4 accounts to corroborate this (from 3 different players, level 76 (30 5* fully ascended), 76(28 5* fa) for me, level 77 (29 5* fa) and level 72 (20 5* fa) for other family members

I got gravemaker on one account when it appears and got him during atlantis on both accounts. During a long time GM was perfect to stay a 2600 trophies. Since season 2 GM was no more a top hero. Yes it is still a very good hero but as lot of player said before I can be easily defeated.

Since Frida appears I don’t worry about GM (but in war I always go full blue on any team with GM… up to Telluria appears)

Players who started three years ago have strong troops, a bunch of 4* fully ascended but are not necessary strong enouth to be in diamond arena. It would be interesting in fact to compare 3 years decks to have an idea of were we are compared to other f2p, c2p, p2w and p4n (last one stand for pay 4 nothing, I have not read a lot about it but I’m pretty sure with EP it will be become more famous in future)

Definitively :slight_smile:
Today Telluria is the new top hero (Guenevere was the first hero dominating top 100, but she has never been as such level Telluria is today). GM is no difference against Telluria. Raid, Tournament , war, Telluria is everywhere. We have to be patient, in 6 months Telluria will be out as SG need money, there will be a Telluria killer. The wheel needs to turn.

Meanwhile I was writing this post I realize:

  • Raid tournament top is full of Telluria, that’s the proof that even without dark heroes players prefer Telluria as an OP tank than any sacred hero.
  • My daughter (level 72, 20 5*) has 6 hotm without spending a cent in the game, has 4* mana troop in all elements. Compared to her I have 9 and 13 hotm (2 and 2 of them comes from Atltantis) and I don’t have
    4* mana fire troop / 4* mana dark troup respectively on my accounts. That’s a bunch of money for almost nothing. Well not nothing as I still can remain above 2400 trophies on both accounts whereas she have daily to go from 2250/2300 to 2400 to add some raids to her path of valor.

The only hero I have chased was Guenivere. 850 euros for nothing. I got her accidentally later with one single pull.

Weirdest thing happend, pulled 3 Gravemakers within 2x 10 pulls this last Atlantis event.
Guess the stars aligned and future raids will be even more fun!


I guess that most of the players that reach diamond are going to realise soon, that they won’t stay there just by their defence, especially if they don’t have the necassery troops and special heroes. I was playing for diamond like your daughter does for around 3-4 months, I got Guin and everything changed very quick(never dropped under 2400 at that point). The thing is, you can have some important heroes that keep you in diamond, but if you don’t have the roster to compete there, you will have no fun to stay their all time long. It’s not bad to drop below 2400 and fight your way back up just to open that “diamond” raid chest. I think this is all that matters, especially for f2p and c2p.

I was f2p for 4 months, made me a solid roster of 3-4*, and after i managed to get the rare quests done, I started to spend some money. I missed a lot of greate Heroes but with a few S2/Event Heroes it’s still no problem to become a Diamond player. Everybody should do it that way. In fact you need to farm for some ascension items anyway… doesn’t matter how “rich” you are. This is a really good thing in my opinion.


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I run out of love on you? Surely you can see some weird irony here?? You got the :heart: btw.

You’ve been hangin with @Math4lyfe too much

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That is a wicked lineup

I’m jealous as hell

i wanted Gravey so bad because he’s untouchable.

Wow this seems more like a support group for people that didn’t get gravemaker and just pat each other on the back haha

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I was lucky enough to pull GM and then get the HOTM! Now, it will take forever to level them, but I’m looking forward to putting them in my lineup.


I levelled GM to 4/20 (nice!) in 5 days, all on backpacks from farming AR and I was also incredibly lucky to get last necessary rings from Atlantis ascension chest.

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In before GM is getting nerfed next update because of telluria lmao

Don’t have GM but am against any nerf of him or Guin. They are strong heroes that will obliterate you with a bad board but can still be beaten with a mediocre board and some good luck, and can be destroyed by a great board. Strong but obviously not a gamebreaker or we wouldn’t still be discussing him two years later.

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Me too,… 3x 30pull and 10xpull and some pull rest and also some coins (hundred+). No GM, no Clarissa. I still hope Clarissa will join in Grimforest/Costume Chamber/Valhalla. :muscle:
I decide to ascend Marjana, and I like her.


Whenever I see Gravemaker in raids, I fight regardless of team power. Whenever I see Telluria, I reroll regardless of team power. Those old dogs have been replaced.

What if it’s Telluria AND Gravemaker in one team?

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