Flying kiwi Rangers .
Multi cultural worldwide team.
New alliance looking for daily active players . Titans a must wars appreciated ,helpful open alliance looking for daily people .
10 days old already on lvl 4 titans 3 from 3 wars won.
Core from old dead alliance with a few new players all keen and kicking it, fun helpful friendly active open alliance 5 spots, the higher the better ,but any active player is welcome come learn chat play
Flying kiwi Rangers
Would you mind if a member from our alliance came to check you out. She visits dying alliance and chats with the few active players. She has found that those few feel bogged down and stuck in a rut and don’t think of leaving for other alliances.
She would basically come check you out and she could recommend your alliance to players looking for a new alliance. She is basically a promoter. She has a heart for seeing players thrive not seeing them stuck. Her name is Crazy Frog and when she is not out visiting she is with the Purple Ninja Squirrels and the Purple Ninja Squirrels 2 alliances.
No problem .we are filling up only have 5 spots now but couple of higher lvl players with experience be more than welcome .As I said we are friendly helpful etc.
In the last week we have picked up 7-8new players most low lvl and learning but all keen.
Probably be stuck on lvl 4 titans until people lvl up or a few bigger hitters join.
She may find she only able to chat to a few as we are worldwide team I’ll different time zones
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new recruitment thread started