[ fix coming with version 15.1 ] Obakan reflect doesn't reflect

Twice now my Obakan was sniped by Joon and in both cases Joon didn’t suffer any reflect damage despite active reflect status on Obakan.


Smaller adjustments and fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where an enemy would counterattack after getting killed.

… and/but I’d say this is a change to game mechanics and/or policy, rather than a ‘small fix’ of a ‘bug’. It’s a game-breaker for riposte heroes.


I´m having the same problem with Boril…

This is intended. Dead heroes cannot counterattack, this was changed in the new update (version 15) to fix the bug where an enemy would counterattack after getting killed. Hope this helps to clarify!

Hi Petri, i send a ticket for that. It´s clear for me now.


If this is intended then it significantly lowers the value of reflect heroes, particularly on higher levels when heroes with high damage output are a norm.

Would you consider a reflect buff for single reflect heroes like Obakan to somewhat mitigate this nerf? After beta nerf Obakan was already weak… with this he becomes obsolete.


@Petri – riposte heroes reflecting damage on a killing blow has been a part of the game mechanics – bug or not – forever. Well, obviously not forever. How can a ‘bug’ of this magnitude exist for such a long time? Actually – for how long has this bug/feature actually been present? (That’s a direct question.)

I have no problem seeing the logic (in a world otherwise void of logic) behind this, but I think this bug/feature is a part of the balance of riposte heroes. I must just assume you keep track of the game statistics of all heroes, and that riposte heroes has been deemed balanced. If you remove this bug/feature – how will you rebalance their power?

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Weak & splitted special damage, low defense & self-risposte only.

Nice combo to use:


Twenty crying emojis! :joy:

Well, glad I saved up those trap tools and kept my Cyprian on 3/70. He’s basically useless now lol.


Yeah they’ve killed riposte heroes. My success so far has mostly been through using riposte from Cyprian. He was the ace in my attacking team because I would sacrifice my hero’s to counterkill the big hitters. I’m going to have to change my whole tactic now. Luckily I almost spent trap tools on him yesterday but thought I would wait till after the event.


This is my alliancemate’s pic and that looks like a 300 something reflect/counterattack on a 1114 perfect shot by Lianna on an Obakan that’s alive and in the red but alive.

The ~300 damage is not a result of a Mindless Attack caused by Alasie? She got that Mindless purple hue… Got a video?

I doubt: mindless attack drain all the mana from the hero and doesn’t do 1114 damage to yours.
But maybe making the fix to Merlin’s unmissable mindless attack have bugged riposte.

Even if so the counter should be a 115% of the attack so 1281 reflect should be applied to the attacker. Fully leveled Lianna has 1248 health points without troop bonus so she should be dead. One way or another this change makes these heroes much weaker.

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Sorry, a clarification: I’m suggesting Alasies mana is dimmed because of changing/decreasing (going down). It could be possible Lianna hit for 1114 damage, got the deflect damage (which may already scrolled above the screen), then Alasie hit her with Mindless Attack for ~300 damage. And then the screen shot happened. Yes, it’s only a possible explanation, and I’m not sure of when (on who’s turn) a Mindless Attack triggers.

Edit: … And/but reading that other thread regarding low riposte damage certainly introduces the possibility of some new bug. Adjustment.

This is a bug caused by the combination of two changes we have recently made. So in version 15 what happens is that the counterattack damage is calculated based on the current health of the defender, which after the attack can be really low. Because of this the damage that the attacker receives from the counterattack can be really low. This will be fixed in version 15.1.

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Didn’t fully realize this reflect change till I read this issue… glad to have clarity, and I understand the logic, but I would agree that’s a pretty substantial change to this special.

Btw @Mananabas, that’s a nicely captured screenshot from your alliance mate! Perfect timing…

Its likely a still from a video.

Please bring this ‘bug’ back. Right, wrong, or indifferent it nerfs riposte heroes for what has become an expectation. for longer than I’ve been playing (>1 yr). The 4* become almost unusable, the 5* become even less desirable than they already are. If this was a new thing I get it, but it’s been part of established gameplay for well over a year.