Fix/Buff Boss Wolf please

What fresh level of Hades is this? Now I know they are mocking us… Do you at least wanna take us for dinner before you have your way with our emotions? Mighty pets… Really??
Hachiko… Really? Let’s just have a quick comparison…

Hachiko Vs Boss Wolf
Holy :full_moon_with_face: vs :new_moon_with_face:
Average vs Very Slow
Att: 834 vs 566
Def: 776 vs 826
Health: 1452 vs 1524

Hachiko Passives and Special Skill:

Boss Wolf Special Skill (No Passives):

upto 140% counterattack…for all allies…at average speed…Average… but 115% counterattack from caster & nearby allies at Very Slow speed is acceptable?? Very…Slow… I am hoping that SG balance this clear injustice in the next update… With more than just dinner… Drinks and dancing would be nice too.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf: