Been playing about four months, just got my first pair of silk gloves…I finally get to ascend a 4*!
Which one do you think I should do first? I also welcome advice on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc in hopes of more gloves soon…although of course it may take a while and then I’ll have more 4*s ready and have to reassess ¯_(ツ)_/¯
My ready to ascend (3/60) roster of 4*s is:
Red - Boldtusk, G Falcon
Green - Hansel, C Melendor, Caedmon, Kashrek
Blue - C Kiril, Azmia, Triton
Yellow - G Jackal, Li Xiu, Wu Kong
Purple - C Tiburtus, Merlin, Cyprian
If you can ascend only one, probably unpopular opinion: Wukong. Titans are one of the most important aspects of the game and will help you gather more AMs.
Next in line: healers. They have great staying power and they’re useful everywhere except in bloody battle. You can never have too many of them.
Jackal, Falcon, c Kiril, Azmia will not get obsolete any time soon. Especially first 2 who will get plenty of use in raids, tournaments, challenge events and titans almost forever
Tiburtus will get obsolete and already is, Wu Kong also. As soon as you get Sergei or Bertulf, forget about Wu Kong against titans
I can see @NicoX ’s point of view but I’d probably go with CKiril! He’s one of the best healers in the game and will help your team complete challenge events and difficult map stages!
Nah, I have both and I still use good old Wu against purple titans. I realize I’m in the minority, which is why I mentioned it’d be an unpopular opinion. The math still favors him over Bertulf though. I’m not one to rage over misses. I care about average score.
I also try to minimize item usage, so babysitting Bertulf to keep him alive isn’t an option for me. Give me Gazelle and I may reconsider this whole average score thing.
My first choice would be c.Kiril/Boldtusk depending on which one you like more.
Second choice is Merlin 100%, he is so insanely good at this early level. He was my second or third maxed 4* and he helped me with many “too hard” things, all types of mana control are just amazing, with him you can beat hard map stages and hard quests much earlier what will result in getting more loot early.
I was using him on my old account, on my current he isn’t maxed yet and he wouldn’t be used much outside 4* tournaments, but its because purple is my strongest color and I have Alfrike with Xnol and high enough troops to fire her in 10 tiles.
Ok from your list, I would focus first on Costume Kiril, followed by Boldtusk followed by Costume Melendor …… because you will use them all for months to come.
When you want to improve your Titan score go back and Level Wu Kong ….
Gosh this is a tough one. I personally did Proteus first, he was so useful in progressing through the world map and quests. So I would choose Hansel myself… (over Merlín just because Hansel is faster, but Merlín IS overall more effective at stalling… actually maybe Merlín, as mana speed is less important for maps and quests)
I agree that the healers are useful, but (up to a point) 3* healers like Hawkmoon and Belith can make do. (kiril and Boldtusk are of course better because they also give some nice buffs)
Wu is indeed a solid choice - the best choice - if you wanna prioritise Titans
Don’t do 3 healers first. Choose versatility. Do c Kiril followed by Merlin and after that Jackal and Falcon and Azmia last. She is overall the best hero from the lot but you won’t use her as much as the others. After that, do whatever you feel like you need for your roster
I would start with c.Melendor. He addresses the maximum slots in parallel: A healer, a dispeller, and his defense buff is a semi-cleanser to the common defense debuff.
Congrats on the gloves! The previous posters all make great points. Do think this is a tough question to answer without knowing the rest of your roster and play style. While it may not be desirable to build around a three-star roster you’ll eventually replace, I do think short-term utility will be helpful — especially in acquiring additional ascension mats for the others.
Have you run these heroes at 3-60 with the rest of your current roster?If so, I’d say go with the one you enjoy playing with the most.
I would say Azmia will certainly have by far the biggest impact on your game. You can use both on defense and offense and she´ll win you fights you can´t dream of winning right now. Both in PvP as well as in killing tough bosses. Basically anyone who deals too much damage for you to handle.
You have lots of great choices though, you wouldn´t go wrong with and of the red, yellow, green (kashhrek is only short term though) or blue (except triton). the only ones I would say are lower quality are the purples (Merlin best of the lot if you absolutely want a purple)
But if this is your first 4star and you already have that many at 3/60 I am guessing your 3 star roster is seriously lacking. So honestly forget the whole 4star bunch for a while and get a decent 3 star roster, that will help you get more mats/loot in general to speed up your 4 star roster.
Well I guess Azmia at full emblems/LB will help you a lot, so go get her up, but in the other 4 colours choose 3 stars instead of getting more 4s to 3/60.
Same here Wu is way better than Bertulf. Only RNG-phobics should choose Bertulf
The misses causing stuns to fail is the only problem, but since we play to do damage not to stun titans forever that is still the better trade-off. However if one uses say 3 colours of heroes on a titan hit the missed stuns from all those 3 colors could cause a big enough nuisance maybe, but people who have heroes to do that successfully probably have better attack boosters than Wu Kong anyway…