First 5* to level - Alexandrine or Richard (no costume)?

I’ve been following advice to do 3 3*s in each color then 4 4* before even thinking much about 5*s. I’m nearing the point where I’ll have my 4th blue 4* completed and am starting to think about a 5*. I have the scopes to fully ascend one (won’t have the capes but they seem to come frequently enough I don’t think that’ll be a huge delay).

I’ve only pulled 2 choices for blue 5* so far. Should I focus on:

  • Alexandrine
  • Richard
  • Neither - wait for someone else & keep working in 3s & 4s
  • Both - take them both to 3/70 and then see

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For reference, here’s my roster:

Not shown: Quartz at 1/1

I have 1 blue 4* mana troop (lvl 8) and 1 4* blue crit troop (lvl 2), so can’t hit any breakpoints yet.

Thanks in advance!

Alexandrine, for many reasons.
The Queen of which is: 5* healer faster than slow (only vanilla 5* healer available)


Alex is better choice here, its good to have 5* healer and you have better dmg dealers in onther colors than Richard.


alexandrine will be viable long term, she is also sturdy and will add survivability. Certainly a good 5* to level.


I´m not a Richard fan, one of my friend has him and even with the costume is an Average hero. Alexandrine can be really annoying and is a healer something you will always need.

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Looks like strong support for Alex! I need to finish Jott over the next week or two, but then on to her!

Thank you all!

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