After a terrible stretch of luck, I suddenly am getting some good 5-stars – and most of them are Red.
All other things being equal, to which of these players would you first give the rings for final ascension, and why?
Hathor Xiaotu Pepperflame Sparklight Hammerclang
Red healers are sparse and Hathor is the best. If healing is a need, I’d start there. After that Pepperflame and Hammerclang have my interest. Sadly, Xiaotu is probably the lowest on the list…unless you are struggling with minion teams.
Good Stuff!
Pepper >> Hathor >> Spark will be my order. If you do not have enough healers, Then Hathor and Pepper.
Poll for you:
All GREAT options. Best of luck on who you pick. I’ve personally voted for Pepperflame.
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