Finishing Titan strikes NOT counting

My Girlfriend and I both attacked the Titan simultaneously - he had 9’000 HP left. When I finished playing he had 1’000 HP left - when my girlfriend finished he had 2’000 HP left. But our combined damage (15’000 HP) killed the Titan - NEITHER she nor me got the Point for “Finishing Titan strikes”. I have 20 of them, she has 19. Please fix this :slight_smile:

This has happened to me before. I believe this always happens if more than one person attacks at the end :frowning:

Pity if it were to remain like this. Can’t ask every single member (by Line or Whatsapp) if they are attacking at the moment every single time :frowning:

Neither of you killed it, your total damage did. If you BOTH exceeded the 10k on your single hits then you BOTH would have gotten the kill strikes. May not like it, but that is how it all works.

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Do Finishing Titan Strikes count for anything other than a pat on the back?

Bragging rights is all it’s good for :frowning:

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