Finally I ascended Vela. On the road to my first 5*

Hello guys. I was between Vela and Richard but somehow i decided for vela .

Here she is

Now i am running two tc 2 and one TC 11 . I have another untouched tc 20 that could join to vela feed production if you advise me to do It.

And this is the team i will put her in while i finish another partners .

If you advise me some 4* to help Vela in the defense team i will be grateful

Regarding 5* i plan to raise as soon i get all the mats the following ones:

Joon, between jean francois and Grazul and Grimble (some people says that costume rigard would do a better job than grimble but idk).
I have the mats for a 5* Green but no 5* Green to Max . I Hope to pull Telluria.

This would be the final team i want to reach .
Grimble is here because i have no other 5* purple right now

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Yes, IMO Grimble is not 1st 6x tabard and 8x traptools, and he is sturdy enough functionaly at 3.70. I think in your progress hold Grimble at 3.70… and hope to get other purple, like Sartana or Domitia or others. If you can save your gems for later for May HOTM (should be purple) and in Atlantis May would be estimate Kage as featured, and we hope the purple HOTM is a good hero and decent for defense :wink:


And between jean francois and Grazul for that vela centred team?

I think both will annoy attacker with the same results… I prefer Grazul more for general use for offense though, she is best support to block status ailment at very fast, she is best againts Telluria tank!
But,… let both bring to 3.70, and see what you like more… anyway my Grazul is still sit at 3.70 right know, and my JF is on the way to 3.70, I also still have the same dillema for this case :grinning:

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